The Mafia

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Prompt: You are married to the mafia boss and get injured. You try to hide it but they find out and kill them.

(violence, graphic scenes, sex, kimye)

You walked down the street with Tom, Joe and Harry. They were Taylor's most trusted members of the mafia family. They went with you most of the time especially when you wanted to go outside TSV territory. The Swift Viper territory.

"I'm not kidding she was playing poker with mirrored sunglasses." You said making the men laugh. "I bet a rat would be smarter." Tom said making us all nod in agreement.

"Look who is it! If it isn't Tay Tay's little princess!" You heard the voice of the man that eighty percent of the people hated. No one in the right mind liked this man. "Where's the queen at?" He asked making you sigh.

The West Side territory belonged to none other than Kanye West and Kim Kardashian. It was no secret that the oldest Jenner sister didn't like them because she works as a double agent for Taylor.

"Don't forget the piece treaty." Harry said stepping in front of you along with Joe and Tom. "Don't worry I didn't." He shrugged and you knew it wasn't good. You hated all the unnecessary violence and that's the only reason why Taylor called a piece treaty with very strict rules.

She made sure to try and make piece earning a bigger following. Everyone who worked for her was well looked after and each and every one of them were loyal to a fault. They were all one big family. If she waged war today they wouldn't hesitate.

"But nowhere does it say that the kids can't do anything." Kim said from the Lamborghini she sat in. "The treaty says no member of the West Side." Joe reminded him. "Then it's a good thing I fired my people." He said and with that there stepped men out with bats and crowbars.

You were more than capable of taking care of yourself so instead of circling around you, you and the boys created a circle to cover all angles. The boys faught with their guns and hands shooting most of the people.

Someone grabbed your wrist making you swing and knock him out bursting the skin on your knuckles. Before you could react to the pain you got a solid hit in the face and you knew it was going to bruise. You grabbed his arm twisting it behind him and breaking his arm.

After a while the men stopped coming and you decided on running back. You sprinted back to your territory making it before the sun could set.

You turned to the bloody and bruised men. "Promise you won't tell Taylor?" You asked and you could see the hesitation on their faces. "Y/n we would love to keep it in the dark but you know what happened to Jake and Adam." At Harry's words you sighed.

Jake double crossed Taylor and without hesitation she went to his office building standing outside waiting for six hours at his exit. She knew he was going to Kanye so she waited and when he tried to drive away she yanked him out of the car and slammed his head in the door.

As for Adam, he got annoyed with Taylor and when you tried to talk to him he punched you. And unfortunately for him in that moment Taylor entered his office. She walked over to him grabbing a pen from his desk stabbing him in the neck and then drove her knife through both his hands and to top it off she tackled him through the glass onto the balcony then pushed him over leaving him to fall thirteen stories.

"Jake betrayed her and Adam punched me. You aren't betraying her or hurting me." You said but they still didn't seem convinced. "We have very specific instructions." Tom said and the other two nodded in agreement.

"Fine." You gave in with a sigh. "I'll tell her myself." You said and they nodded. "Go shower and clean up." You said and they nodded disappearing.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE ONE-SHOTS [] DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now