A Wolf's Love

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[AN: turns out I'm sick. So I'm having trouble sleeping anyway. Anyway I wanted to update because my amount of notifications was 13 so yeah...]

Prompt: Taylor is a werewolf and you're not.

You walked down the street to meet up with your best friend, Taylor. You haven't known each other for very long but you were close and always there for each other. Taylor was the only reason you had friends not only her but she brought you into her group and her group accepted you immediately treating you as their own.

You really like Taylor she was more than just your best friend to you. She was soft, gentle and caring. She always prioritized you above other things and you did the exact same.

She was the source of your happiness and you knew that you made her just as happy. You really like Taylor and really hoped she felt the same way.

She has been very flirty and touchy but you were afraid that you were just seeing things because you were feeling things.

When you got to the cafe you saw her standing and waiting in a pair of high waisted shorts and a crop top. You however were dressed in a pair of jeans a shirt and a hoodie.

Taylor never got cold and was always warm. You loved hugging her when it was cold. It's like she was a human heater. A very soft and comfortable heater.

All your friends were like human heaters. You found it strange but trusted them and didn't think about questioning it.

"Tay." You smiled and hugged her immediately feeling the heat radiating from her. "Y/n. You made it." Taylor smiled sitting down across from you.

"Well it's not like I have a busy schedule or anything. Besides I wouldn't miss it for the world." You gave her a reassuring smile. "Well thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to meet with me." That smirk on her lips drove you wild.

"Y/n, I really want to tell you something." Taylor said and nodded at her. "But first can we get ice cream?" She asked making you roll your eyes but nod and stand up.

You got ice-cream and were now walking down the cobble stone path in the park going nowhere specific.

"So what did you want to tell me?" You asked glancing up at Taylor who sighed and stared at the ground. You stopped making her stop and look at you.

"What's wrong?" You asked a bit worried. "Nothing. I just... I don't know if I should tell you." She scratched the back of her neck clearly nervous.

You stepped closer to her cupping her cheek making her look at you. "Talk to me." Her eyes were the most beautiful color you've ever seen, almost like it was straight out of a fairy tale book.

"Y/n." She gave you a nervous smile. "I really like you, like I like you more than a best friend." She said and you could feel your heart fluttering. "What are you saying?" You asked wanting to be a hundred percent sure before you jumped to any conclusions.

"I'm saying I don't want you as a best friend. I want to be more." You stayed silent staring in disbelief and only when Taylor cursed under her breath did you realize you haven't answered her. "Me too." You managed making Taylor freeze and look at you.

"You do?" She asked a smile creeping on her lips. "I do." You threw your arms around her neck hugging her and she wrapped her arms around your waist lifting you with no struggle at all.

"So will you be my girlfriend?" Taylor asked putting you down but still held your waist. "I would yeah." You kissed her cheek making her smile and look at you.

You walked in the park with your arm linked with Taylor's as you both at your ice-cream. You spotted a dog in the distance who looked at you then howled reminding you of the dangers your town faced years ago.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE ONE-SHOTS [] DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now