This is delicate

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[]AN: idkwtf this is💀but here you go anyway 😊... Think about like it's Lover Taylor and kind of m rep Y/n....
Ig it's kinda cute, so yeah....

[]AN2: I just realised this....
Taylor is the butterfly princess and Y/n is the snake princess.... No don't ask me questions cuz I don't know either🙂...

[]AN3: spot the reference, level- very very hard💀....

Y/n never understood why people would say something like, opposites attract. To her it made no sense, at least it didn't until she met the blonde princess.

Taylor was her polar opposite yet she felt a strong connection towards her. A connection she couldn't explain to herself let alone someone else.

It was a normal day in Y/n's kingdom, except for the presence of the blonde princess. Y/n had the day off so she made sure to show Taylor around her home.

The weather wasn't hot but warm enough to make the perfect activity, swimming. The snake princess was in the water floating allowing the water to push and pull her body. She had her hands folded behind her head with her eyes closed appreciating the warm weather and saltwater smell.

She opened one eye glancing over at the butterfly princess. Taylor had her feet in the water kicking gently while she inspected a sea shell Y/n had given to her. The flowers in Taylor's hair made sure that a pair of e/c eyes stared longer than intended.

"So how is your kingdom doing?" Y/n asked trying to sound interested but not too interested. "Wonderful." The blonde beamed.

"The plants are blooming beautifully, there are pretty butterflies everywhere and the grass is greener than before. Anyone can feel the love." Taylor spoke with a gleam in her eyes. "That's good, I guess." Sometimes it felt like Taylor was talking in some sort of code but Y/n did her best to try and understand the blonde.

"Yours?" Blue eyes fell on the snake princess smiling softly at her as she watched her swim towards her. "Oh, mine..." Y/n lifted her arm out the water resting them crossed over each other next to Taylor.

Taylor knew Y/n was sensitive on the subject. When the war broke out the snake princess's kingdom was on the frontlines. Despite her brilliant forces she wasn't prepared for all fire to be aimed at her or her peoples' betrayal.

Her people fled and she had a hard time dealing with the betrayal of her people. The already cold princess grew colder and it scared many of the other princesses but Taylor wasn't shaken one bit.

People, many people blamed Y/n for the attack on her kingdom. Saying she told her people to leave because she knew of the attack. Saying she staged it all, saying she did something bad even if she wasn't the bad guy.

In the time of war, the two princesses had grown closer and the fact that Y/n stayed with Taylor also helped a lot.

The blonde knew the h/c haired princess had a hard time adjusting to the multicoloured kingdom seeing as her kingdom was primarily black secondarily gold and red.

Y/n still had many eyes on her. People still blamed her.
Her reputation still wasn't what it was.

"My people are moving back, the loyal ones that is. So that's always good." Taylor could hear the joy in Y/n's voice, it made a smile spread on her face.

Taylor glanced down meeting e/c eyes for a moment before they darted away. Those e/c eyes that always seemed to be on her mind, intentional or not.

She liked the snake princess but it was hard to tell if she liked her back. She's noticed how Y/n often tries to understand her and like she was trying to get closer but didn't really know how.

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