Doctor Swift

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[]AN: so I might have a new obsession.... Doctor Swift 👁️👁️
So yeah....

You hated going to the doctor. They only gave you bad news and sent you home with expensive drugs and most of the time the medication only made you feel worse. So despite the cough and stuffy nose you refused to go to the doctor.

"You need to go see the doctor." You glared at your brother. "I said no, Harry." You pouted and he scoffed.

"You're such a baby." He said making you glare instead. "I'm not a baby." You grumbled.

"Really? Because I know babies that act the same way as you whenever they need to go see the doctor." You threw a throw pillow at your brother then rolled your eyes. "Shut up."

"I don't even have a doctor to go to. They're all the way on the other side of the country." You said making your brother sigh. "No, don't try using geographic terms because you have no idea what you're talking about." He held his hand up silencing you.

"There's that new clinic that opened nearby." He gestured vaguely. "Forty minutes isn't nearby." You glared at your brother trying to figure out if getting up and punching him was worth the pain.

"I'll drive you."

"Oh no, you're a terrible driver." You shook your head. "I'll be my best self on the road." He promised and you sighed looking at him seeing the genuine concern made you sigh.

"Alright fine. But if they can't help me this week. I'm not going." You said watching him pull out his phone then walk out of the living room.

You looked down at the chicken soup and sighed. You weren't hungry but despite his hatred for cooking your brother did cook you chicken soup knowing it was one of the only things you could eat when sick.

With a sigh, you lifted the bowl but stopped and stared. "Okay. Tomorrow night. I have work, my team needs their weekly physiotherapy treatment." You nodded.

+++N E X T D A Y+++

"I'm sorry okay." You stared at your brother unamused. "You said you would go with me." You pointed and he nodded.

"I know. But they called me in and I need to fly down to join the team." He had apologised to you more than once but you were just miserable being here in the first place.

"I'll sit with you until the doctor calls you, will that help?" He asked and you sighed and nodded. "Yes." You nodded and he smiled walking with you into the clinic.

"Swift Care Clinic." You read the name on the door as Harry opened it for you and you stepped into the clinic. You cringed at the bright light and your nose scrunched at the smell of antiseptic.

You hated the smell of hospitals, many unpleasant memories oftentimes were triggered. "Let's go." Harry put a hand on your back and you sighed looking down at the squeaky clean floor that had a shine on them.

You got to the front desk and an old man with glasses looked up from the desk stopping his conversation with the younger woman in the chair.

"Evening, how are you?" He asked his smile crooked but pure. "Hi, I'm alright." You fought the urge to roll your eyes at the man's question.

"How can I help?" He asked and you sighed looking up at the clock to see it was six already. "I'm here to see doctor Swift." You said and he chuckled making you frown.

"Which one?" He asked and you squinted your eyes trying to find the humour in his words.

"Hey Dad, I'm getting the file from Taffy you can tell them to go through." You caught the nametag on the younger man's coat, Austin Swift. "Of course." Looking back at the man you saw his name tag on his checkered shirt, Scott Swift.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE ONE-SHOTS [] DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now