Chapter 1: Beginnings

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Author's note: This is a prologue. If you want to jump straight to the story, go to Chapter 3. Happy reading :))

A little Togruta girl bounced up and down, her montrals barely surfacing above her tiny head. She jumped and yelled around her parents, who sighed and took a seat . The young girl was bobbing up and down, chattering and blubbering nonstop.

"Ahsoka, why don't you sit down ?" The older male Togruta, most likely her father, sighed. He was beginning to feel slightly frustrated with his daughter and her non-stop movement. "If you want to, you can count the grass blades over here."

Young Ahsoka nodded sweetly and sat down, contentedly counting the stalks of bluish, ripe-coloured grass, and lost herself in her own world yet again.

Disrupting the serenity surrounding the small family, a ferocious scream suddenly echoed throughout the forest. Even the young Ahsoka could sense the tremor in her tiny montrals, and her parents had gone stiff with fear.

"Lil 'Soka, come with me," her father gestured towards a small hole with a thick metal cap. He looked sadly into her eyes, then dropped her inside. She wanted to ask, wanted to see those beautiful eyes her father had. But the roars of battle raged above her head, and for hours she dared not even move.

After a while she climbed outside. A deathly silence sat like a fog over the bloodred field. She looked around and saw her father, mother and siblings lying on the ground, motionless.

"Papa, Papa, wake up!" She urged anxiously. "There is a battle! Big battle! Come please! Stop sleeping!"

Such an innocent child, a faraway figure thought. Too young to know the evils of war...

Ahsoka shook her mother.

"Mama! Big battle!" She yelled. No movement. The cold, haunted silence enveloped her, and she wanted to curve into a ball.

Faint coughs shook the cold body of her mother.

"Mama!" Ahsoka exclaimed, bouncing up and down on the bloodstained grass. "You're awake! I heard some bad guys, but they're gone now!"

No reply.

"Mama!" She almost screamed. Something was wrong, but her three-year-old mind hadn't touched on the painful reality of war; the previous uproar was a messy, incomprehensible event. Her eyes, which had glimmered with hope a few seconds ago, began to fade.

"Now there, young one." A deep voice said gently, from behind her.

She whipped around and fell backwards in fear. A strange creature with claw-like hands extended one towards her. She shrank back fearfully, but saw something kind in his eyes.

Like the innocent child she was, Ahsoka gingerly extended her tiny hand into the strange creature's. He picked her up and carried her on his shoulder. The strange blue blade of light he carried slowly disappeared back, into a shiny silver holt. Now that Ahsoka was closer, she examined the being. It looked like it had some kind of gas mask, with two sharp edges sticking downwards. Two fleshy, horn-like features fell down from the side of his head, and he wore comfortable brown shades of clothing.

"My name is Plo Koon, young one. What is yours?" He said curiously.

"A-Ahsoka." She replied timidly.

The young Togruta certainly had force powers, Plo Koon could sense them. He carefully made his way back to his Delta-7 Starfighter and set the young girl, who was now asleep, on a bed. Then, he carefully maneuvered his way back to Coruscant.

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