Chapter 17: Traps

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3rd Person POV:

Ahsoka peered into the ship. There was nobody there. Confused, she hopped into the cockpit and turned it on. Everything seemed fine, but it mystified her why someone would just abandon their ship in the middle of battle- a freighter ship, too.

"You should hurry, girl."

Kina? How did she know that Ahsoka was here?

She turned around. The girl was picking at her nails, but she was tense with an unexplained anger. 

The Togruta brought herself up. "Why do you hate me so much? Why do you want me dead?"

"Because," Kina hissed. "You're in my way. I want to become many great things, and you're stopping me."

"What?" She exclaimed indignantly.

"I want to be Master Skywalker's Padawan." The blonde said tersely, fingering her lightsaber. "It's up to me to make sure your face will never appear on Coruscant again...until you're dead, of course."

A humourless laugh escaped her lips. "You are weak."

Ahsoka felt a deep anger inside her. She wasn't weak, far from it. She took a breath.

"This ends now." She snarled.

"Would you rather die quickly or slowly from Sepsis?" Her tormentor sneered. 

"I prefer none of those." She entered a defensive stance. 

Kina tried to slam her fist into her head, which Ahsoka blocked with precision. She used her opposition's own move and twisted her arm behind her.

"Get off!" The girl screamed at the Togruta, kicking her in the stomach. Mustering her remaining strength, Ahsoka Force-pushed her out of the doorway, into the hall.

Kina growled in anger, flinging herself at Ahsoka. 

End this.

The voice again. She clawed at her lekkus, causing crimson blood to drip down her montrals. She kicked and punched viciously. Kina was fierce.

Show her  that she can't push you around anymore.

With a great heave, Ahsoka pushed her off and blocked the hits.

Kick her out.

With a decisive roundhouse kick, Ahsoka sent Kina flying out go the ship, then locked the door.

"That was satisfying." She grinned, looking at the screaming Kina that was banging on the windows. Turning the ship on, she set the navicomputer to Coruscant. She flew out of the atmosphere, but as she tried to set course for the Jedi Temple, her engine stalled.

No, no, no! Not the hyperdrive! She panicked.

Another ship flew into orbit.

Kina? Ahsoka seethed with frustration. Why was she here? Was she defecting? Did she magically duplicate and leave the planet? Thoughts swirled around in her mind.

"I know what you're thinking, but I'm no defector." A voice snapped through her commlink.

The Togruta sighed in defeat. The ship shook.

It took her a few seconds to process the fact that someone was firing- and it was aimed at her! She quickly put all the ship's energy into the front deflector shields, but it was too late. She was sent plummeting to the surface.

"So sad, Ahsoka.. it was actually fun fighting with you." 

Flipping a few switches, she activated the emergency escape pods. Her ship crashed into a group of unsuspecting droids, and her pod a little while off. She clambered out.

"Snips? That you?" Anakin rubbed his eyes worriedly, looking at his dusty Padawan.

"Yeah." She groaned. "Ship malfunctioned."

"Hmm, strange." He said mildly. "Usually that means the escape pods malfunction too."

"Yeah, but-

Before she could finish, she retched over, coughing up bouts of blood.

"Ahsoka! AHSOKA!" Anakin screamed desperately. "Stay with me, please!"

The world blurred.

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