Chapter 3: Friends

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Authors note: Kiri is one of the classmates in Ahsoka's class.

On to the story:

Kiri POV:
Her arms looked like they were sore. Ahsoka stretches as I stare at her.

"Hey... What are those horn things sticking out of your head?" I ask, curious.

They look short and cute, unlike Master Shaak Ti's long and elegant horns.

"None of your business." She retorts coldly. "The more you know, the more you'll laugh."

Ouch, that stung.

"Hey look," I say, quite frustrated at her shunning demeanor. "I think they're in fact quite pretty."

She looks up at me, and her once-cold eyes are now soft and warm, the icy fire behind them extinguished.

"Really? She gazes up at me, a lingering hint of despair in her voice. There was some kind of sadness or loneliness veiled thinly in the words that she uttered. Perhaps past trauma?

I nod. I'm not quite sure if I agree, but now I am really curious. Why would people laugh at those adorable little horns? I mean, sure. They didn't exactly resemble hair, but it was unique, and quite, if I should say so myself, stylish.

"Attention, younglings!" A Jedi (I presume) barks. He's got rough brown hair, sky-blue eyes, and he looks very intimidating.

A gasp rises in the class. Choruses and whispers of "The Chosen One" float through the air. Only Ahsoka doesn't care.

"Your teacher told me you had a droid project?" He says presumptuously.

We nod in unison. We were supposed to fix a broken droid we were given. To prevent cheating, they all had different problems. I spent all night trying to fix the kriffin' head, but I was quite proud of it.

"Alright then, bring them up and I'll examine them. I am a droid specialist, by the way, so you can't slip past sleazy mistakes with a quick paint job," He says proudly, eyeing all my classmates.

A laugh arises from the girl next to me. "I bet ugly over there," she laughs derisively, gesturing at Ahsoka, "Will be painting her droid with horns."

The class giggles nervously, and I try to console poor Ahsoka. She's shaking with angry frustration.

I glared at the girl, who happened to be Kina. She was laughing so hard she didn't notice it when the Jedi "Chosen One" walked up to her and stared at her sternly.

As soon as she noticed him, something along the lines of oh crap, I'm in for punishment flickered in her eyes. He muttered something, to which she vigorously nodded her head, accompanied by multiple apologies.

After he finishes, she grinds her teeth and sulks in her seat.

"Back to where we were," He says, glaring at Kina. She shrinks back into her seat.

~~~~~~~~A Bit Later~~~~~~~~

Ahsoka POV:

We line up to show our droids. I may have a few complications in mine, but it's a first, so I'm sure Master will let it slide. As I carry my droid in a box, I place it on his desk. He observes it, then immediately assesses all my mistakes.

"The radar eye is off, the holographic projector is facing the wrong way, the shoulder hydraulics are about to fall apart, and there's a dozen more minor problems, besides the head being placed on the wrong way--


The droid lets out a sizzly spark of blue electricity, which hits him. I swear by the Force I didn't do that. I'm not even capable of placing the projector in the right way, let alone programming it to electrocute my poor teacher. He sits there, stunned, and unable to recover.

He doesn't see that, though, and stands up to his full height while I hear the giggles of my classmates, taunting me, screaming in their punchable faces.

"Wait for me outside. NOW." he says furiously, before I exit the door, crestfallen and ashamed.

I wait for what seems like forever before he comes out.

"What was that for, youngling?" he snarls, putting extra emphasis on the word youngling. "You are never, ever allowed to treat your superiors like that, do you hear me?" He pauses for a while, before glaring at me, and, in a bout of flaming hot anger, adding, " Ungrateful wretch."

I look at him, trying to look brave, when in reality I just want to curl up into a ball and hide. Why was this happening? Why would there be a spark of electricity? It made no sense. 

"I didn't do it, Master." I protest sullenly. "How could I? I can barely fix a droid, how can I--

I'm cut off abruptly. "Don't you dare be snippy, young one." he growls. "I'll be watching you. If you want to exceed in this class, don't be a jerk."

Then, with a ferocious slam, he goes back into the classroom.

I sit down, letting a flashback overtake me.

"Mistake!" Kina yells. Her Twi'lek minion shoves a Togruta with short montrals and blue and white heads tails. She's backing into the end of the corridor, cornered. "Mistake!" he echoes mockingly. He's strong, and pins her arm behind her, causing a scared yelp to escape her maroon lips. He laughs and kicks the poor Togruta to the ground. "You're a mistake, Ahsoka!" Another girl chimes in.

Her body aches. The daily ritual of bullying from her tormentors quickly turns violent. A kick here, a punch there. In the end, blood is leaking from her mouth, and she's covered in wounds and bruises. She looks carefully down at her ribs, where she's sure they are either broken or cracked. She doesn't have the energy to drag herself back to bed and change, so she sleeps on the cold floor next to it.

I'd give anything just for them to be gone.

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