Chapter 13: The First Sign

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She dragged herself up. She would not allow some simple pain to stop her, but her heartbeat began to quicken and she felt disoriented. She wobbled a bit, grabbing onto a nearby switch to stabilize herself. 

"Snips, you coming?" Anakin asked, turning around concernedly. 

"Coming, Skyguy!" Ahsoka called after him. She tried to take a step forward before a loud whirring sound echoed through the room. 

"Clankers!" Rex yelled, with an air of sarcastic ecstasy. 

Ahsoka stabilized herself and charged forwards, but ran into a droid. 

"Ahsoka, what did you do?" Anakin asked annoyedly. 

She didn't reply. The world was spinning, and she felt feverish. She looked back and tried to find the switch she moved, but everything was a rainbow of colour. Everything was flying around in her mind.

Then, darkness.


"Is Ahsoka okay?" A voice said shakily. "Did a droid shoot her down?" 

"No sir, I think she may have collapsed from exhaustion. Happens a lot on the battlefield. I'm surprised she made it out alive. The clumsy droids must have assumed she was dead." Another voice replied.

Ahsoka woke up with a start. She looked around and found herself on the bed in the transport ship she had been in the last time she went to Raarsis.

"It's okay, Snips." It was Anakin. He set his hand comfortingly on her shoulder. 

Young one, you are in danger!

She gasped. "What? Why am I in danger?"

Everyone looked very confused. "Look, little'un, you took quite a blasting out there. Best if you rest." Rex said softly. The clones filed out of the room. Anakin stayed behind. 

"If you need help, Snips, I'll be right here." He smiled, almost apologetically. He handed her a few pills. "Painkillers for your ankle, if you need any." He stood up to leave. 

"We'll take care of the rest of this mission ourselves. You'll miss out on a lot of fun." He teased. 

"Aw, shut up!" Ahsoka laughed.

Find medical help! You need it, now!

Ahsoka tried to push the strange voice out of her head. Why would she need medical help?

Because you are injured badly, can't you see?

"Pfft," Ahsoka rolled her eyes. "I just fainted, that's all."

You are blind to your troubles. You're blinded by pride.

"But I'm not injured!" She protested weakly to the voice. "Collapsing doesn't warrant any medical scans."

Heed my warning. You have little time, young one.

She disregarded the voice. She was obviously hallucinating, or something like that. Must be a side effect of fainting.

Not a side effect. The Force, here to help you. Not a hallucination, either.

"Then what are you?" She asked irritably. She was tired of the mind games. First a mirror image of her future self. Now, a voice that was driving her crazy.

We have met before. Just listen. Don't try anything to harmful to your current physical state.

"I don't care. Are you some sort of prank Anakin is playing on me? Well, if you are, you aren't deterring me from going on the mission." She snapped. Ahsoka swallowed two grey tablets and immediately perked up. The painkillers were very useful.

Don't be proud, young one. Don't let pride be your downfall.

"Okay, bye." She shouted as she grabbed a backpack, racing out of the ship to join in the battle.

Oh, how she would regret it.

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