Chapter 4: Anakin's Thoughts

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Anakin POV:

To say that I was fuming was an understatement. The nerve of that youngling! I stopped a potential bully of hers, and she decided to prank me like that? I'm not weak or anything, but that was kriffin' painful!

Sighing, I think about what just occurred. I really shouldn't have exploded on her like that, but all I saw was red. I regret it now, but I swallow it. My pride won't let me apologize.

I continue to teach, but I can't focus. The occasional snickering in the corner bothers me. From what I can see, the Togruta seems to be called Ahsoka, the blonde who mocked her Kina, and the girl's friend Kiri, or as most of the teachers called her, Bariss. Bariss Offee. I heard Luminara Unduli had taken a fascination in her, and was thinking about having her as a padawan in the future.

I shake my mind of these thoughts. I hear sniffles, accompanied by some quiet sobs from outside the door. 

"Such a pathetic loser."

"What a crybaby."

"Bet she can't go anywhere without a teddy bear."

I clench my fists. Although I can't say I like the snarky girl, I don't tolerate any mocking. Especially since I went through a pretty aggrieved childhood filled with taunts as well.

I quiet them with a disapproving glare, then resume teaching. Sigh. This was going to be a long day.

~~~~~~~~~~1 hour later~~~~~~~~~~

I sit down in the mess hall, chomping my way through two sandy, gritty ration bars. Plo Koon sits down next to me. I immediately try to complain about his beloved Ahsoka, but I can sense he is... sad? That's not anything like Plo, so I instead pipe up with "What's wrong?"

"Lil 'Soka is in the Healing Centre. Some younglings laughed at her for being yelled at by her teacher. They heard everything. I think they shoved her around, but afterwards she got very sick from the experience. I suspect she isn't telling me the whole story, but she isn't very well."

I sit up straight. Just this morning she was ensconced in her chair, silently cursing at her tormentors and electrocuting poor me. I thought that was it. But no, they had the nerve to hurt her too? All my anger towards her is gone. Now, I feel burning hot rage towards her torturers, and insane guilt in myself.

What if I didn't yell at her?

I storm to the Healing Centre, where a few healers are monitoring her heart rate. She looks so fragile. I feel extremely guilty. When she wakes up, I'll talk to her for a while. I can, in a sense, relate to her. I was ostracized as the Chosen One as well, for not only being unable to save the galaxy, but as well for constantly being overly impulsive.

Maybe she'll forgive me?


Kina POV:

That little kriffin' horned d--

Forgive the language. I have a sharp tongue.

Anyways, she has the absolute worst tongue as well. Yesterday she literally snapped at me for pulling those things she calls hetails. Or headtails, I don't kriffin' care.

Who's she?

Oh my Force, how dumb are you? I'm talking about Ahsoka, my absolutely punchable punching bag. Just LOOk at her skin. It's a disgusting, orange-y shade. Her hetails are so... weird. Then look at me. Naturally beautiful, your favourite blondie model. Whenever I enter the class, everyone stares at me as I strut past the desks, my gorgeousness radiating from me confidently. I seriously couldn't be more lovely. Even my parents agree; they send me expensive gifts each month, and lots of credits to go buy jogan fruits and sweets. They're native to Coruscant, and so delicious.

I seriously doubt anyone noticed I threw the first punch. It was a blurry, white-hot annoyance that flared out of nowhere. It was so... unnatural. Anyways, Kolan, who was a male Twi'lek, pushed her down the stairs, then puppy-faced me like he was my minion completing a job. It wasn't like his skin or looks were any better than her ugly face, so I scowled at him and then pulled one of his pigtail things, then shoved him aside, using a bit of the force but failing miserably.

This mischievous little Wookie takes a white pellet from his robe, and hands it to me, saying something about how sick you could get if you ate it. Without a second thought, I grab Orange Peel by the neck and force it down her throat, while I stuck her canteen into her mouth. She chokes and spits, kicking me, but I don't let her stick-limbs hurt me. I fling her against the wall and laugh while she gasps for air.


I am thrown against the stairs. I look at whoever did this, enraged, and see that horned devil hold her arms high, while she grips her stomach weakly. Her head begins to loll from side to side. I kick her over, and another boy was about to punch her, when I notice she doesn't react.


She was unconscious.

I scream silently and push everybody up the stairs, ushering them into the mess hall.

"You stupid goofballs! I said cause pain, not make her unconscious!" I snarl.

"But Kina," Some of them begin, "She-

"No buts! If this happens again I'll beat you with Ahsoka!"

"Y-y-yes, of c-course, won't happen a-again." 

"Good. Don't tell anybody." I hiss to them. However, unnoticed by me, Kiri spots something is wrong, and walks over nonchalantly.

"Tell what?" She asks curiously. "Did you guys play a new prank? Ohhh, is it on Master Skywalker? Tell me, did you put a lighter under his chair? Or-

I grumble. "Ugh, yes. Now go away."

She rolls her eyes. "Suit yourself." She laughs, and grabs a few ration bars. As soon as she's out of earshot, I let out a sigh of relief.

I am sure glad that dumb Togruta doesn't have the nerve to tell anybody anything she goes through. They'll just think she is sick, ha.

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