Chapter 15- I have never hated my phone this much

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One day later

I woke up to my phone ringing.

I had been home for a full day and somehow had not yet managed to find it in myself to sleep in my actual bed, so I awoke on my couch.

I turned groggily to find my phone buzzing and playing a rather annoying ringtone on the coffee table. I flung my arm out and grabbed it with clumsy fingers, bringing it in front of my face. 

I turned on the screen and squinted, allowing my eyes to adjust to the light. The person calling me had their contact name set as "Dad".

I almost answered, thinking that my biological dad was calling me, but then I quickly realized that he had died quite a bit ago. I sighed and searched around for a "decline" button, but the screen only gave me the option to "swipe to answer". I groaned and dropped my phone onto the carpet, curling up again and closing my eyes, waiting for it to stop.

"FRIDAY?" I asked.

Nobody responded. 

"FRIDAY? I told you to block Mr. Stark," I scolded.

Still nothing.

"F-FRIDAY?" I asked, wondering what was wrong with the AI.

I got no response.

I shrugged and turned away from my phone, covering my ears and willing it to stop ringing that instant.

5 minutes later, the phone was still playing the ringtone. 

I covered my ears and ran to my room, quickly pulling on a t-shirt and jeans. I could sort of still hear the phone from upstairs, but I was grateful for being able to mute some of it. 

I closed my door and flopped down on my bed, trying to fall back asleep.

Suddenly, the volume on my phone raised to full, making it so that I could hear it clearly, even from upstairs.

I was about to start screaming.

"TONY, I SWEAR TO GOD!" I shouted, flipping myself off of my bed and marching back downstairs. I bent down and grabbed my phone, staring a hole through it with my glare of pure loathing. The volume lowered a bit.

"Oh, no no no, stay at full blast," I muttered, turning up the volume again. "If you drain your battery, I won't be able to answer,"

I checked the battery percentage: 39%. Good. I tossed it under the couch and went to the kitchen to pour myself a bowl of my favorite cereal. The sound followed me, obviously, but I couldn't help but grin as I grabbed the milk from my fridge. It would die soon enough. 

The sound continued to follow me as I poured the milk into the bowl of cereal and sat down at my dining room table, beginning to eat.

Even after I finished, it was still ringing.

"It has to be almost dead," I grumbled, washing my bowl and placing it in my dishwasher. I made my way into the living room and got down on my hands and knees, fishing my phone out from underneath the couch and checking the battery power. It was now at 72%. 

"What the-" I nearly screamed as I swore freely, checking around for any reason that the battery power had increased. The chargers were all in the drawer by the TV, so how could it have gotten higher..?

"UGH!" I shouted. "THAT'S IT!"

I snatched my phone from the ground and stormed outside, marching down the stairs of my porch. I crouched down by the side and was about to throw it under when the terrible, horrid ringtone stopped.

My ears were still ringing as I stared at it, perplexed. There had to be some sort of catch. This had to be a trick. I cautiously studied the phone as I headed back inside. Closing the sliding door behind me, I pocketed my phone and looked up.

"Hey, kid,"

I glanced up to see Tony Stark leaning against my wall, his hands in his pockets. 

I stared in shock.

"H-how'd you f-find me?" I asked nervously.

"I tracked your suit's weapons system," he answered, a ghost of a smirk on his face. He started to walk towards me. I glanced down, feeling tears form in my eyes. I tried to blink them back, but they kept coming, faster and faster.

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked quietly, my voice beginning to break.

"I was never mad at you," he told me, halting about 4 feet away from me. 

Every emotion I ever had in the past few days exploded out of me. I burst into tears and flung myself at him, wrapping my arms around him. He embraced me openly, letting me cry into his shoulder. From the sound of it, he was crying a bit, too.

"I'm sorry, Bryce," he whispered.

"I'm s-sorry too, Dad,"

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