Chapter 21- The fight in Sokovia (Part 2)

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Author's Note: This chapter is going to be on the long side.


I swooped down to the ground just as Tony started whooping.

"YOU SEE THAT, ROGERS?!" he shouted over the comms. "BRYCE IS WORTHY!" 

"If you could calm that, Tony, we're kinda in the middle of a fight here!" Ava shouted back.

"Thanks for the support, Dad," I commented. "But we need to stay focused,"

"Alright, alright, kid," Tony said. "Just don't die out there or Pep will kill me,"

"Roger that," My feet hit the rocky road with a crutch. 

"Mind giving back the hammer?" Thor asked over the comms.

"Oh. Yeah," I replied, throwing Mjolnir straight through one of the robots. Instead of returning to my hand, it zoomed away.

As if sensing that I could no longer electrocute them to death, the robots began to swarm me, attempting to shred my suit to bits.

I levitated off the ground just an inch and formed myself into a human "T", charging up the lasers in my suit's arms.


I spun around in circles faster than I could comprehend, the lasers blasting out of my suit's arms and slicing the robots clean in half. I came to a very sudden stop once they were all destroyed and attempted to not fall over.

I then zoomed through the city, dodging the hissing sparks, shrieking lasers, roaring fires, and sometimes other flying objects like entire cars or robots. I was completely grateful for my metal mask because, without it, I'd be breathing in dust and debris. I wondered vaguely how the others were doing, working through all this madness.

Then again, it was their job to work through complete madness.

I flew into an area that looked to be covered by a cloud. I couldn't see a thing, even with a light blaring through my mask. My comms crackled and buzzed.

"What have you got, Stark?" Steve asked.

"Maybe a way to blow up the city," Tony replied, his voice sounding defeated and unsure. "That'll keep it from impacting the surface if you guys can get clear,"

"I asked for a solution, not an escape plan," Steve replied firmly. I began to make out figures in the boggy air. I wandered aimlessly, searching for a way out of the clouded and dusty area.

"Impact radius is getting bigger every second," Stark said. "We're gonna have to make a choice,"

"Cap, these people are going nowhere,"

When I heard Natasha's voice in the distance, I immediately started towards it, a million different thoughts flying through my head.

"If Stark finds a way to blow this rock-" she suggested.

"Not till everyone's safe," Steve cut her off.

"Everyone up here versus everyone down there? There's no math there," she told him, seeming as lost as Tony. 

"I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it," Steve said firmly.

"I didn't say we should leave," Natasha said quietly just as I began to approach them.

I examined her, and Steve did too. Was she really considering death on this floating piece of earth?

"There are worse ways to go," she admitted, looking out to the clouds. We were high above them now, and I was beginning to feel sick from being on an unstable rock thousands upon thousands of feet in the sky.

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