Chapter 2- New Beginnings

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It has been a few months since the war ended. We knew from the moment Bob and I emerged into the House of Hades that one part of the prophecy had come true. Bob had informed me of Annabeth's oath she had made to him and almost made to Damasen. They would all make it out, but they hadn't. She didn't make it out, her death broke her oath.

The now six left of the seven had sailed on to Greece and, with Bob and the Olympians' help, defeated the giants. We rushed back to Camp Half-Blood to await the rise of Gaea, as both Piper and Jason's blood was shed at the acropolis.

After the events of the House of Hades, Jason, Leo, and I discussed the other prophecy lines, 'To storm or fire the World must fall.' We came to an agreement that we will use storm, combining the strength of Jason's winds and my hurricanes, and we will take Gaea from the safety of her domain and pull her essence apart.

Just as we planned, we were able to bring down Gaea. Leo took out the remaining onagers with his trusty tool belt and many vials of greek fire, which promptly brought Octavian to his knees. The gods had helped us disperse the remaining monster army and were overwhelmed to be reunited with their surviving children.

Athena had been very distraught over Annabeth's loss and felt that it was entirely her fault for sending her after the mark of Athena. She had praised me for my devotion to her daughter and willingness to fall into Tartarus for her, even though she never made it out.

It has been a very emotional couple of months.

I sighed as I looked out over Long Island Sound. I was perched at the end of the pier, reminiscing over the past. I felt the cool breeze blowing and closed my eyes to let it embrace me.

I felt the air shift around me and smelt the sea, "Father." I opened my eyes and turned my head, "What brings you here."

Poseidon gently smiles at me, "Hello, Percy. I've come to offer you something, a distraction if you wish."

A distraction from what? The war? Annabeth? "What type of distraction?"

"You know the world of mortals, gods, and monsters, but there is so much more. Hecate has asked me to see if you would like to enter another world, her world."

I wasn't fully comprehending what my father was saying; another world?

Poseidon smiled again, "Confused, are we?"

I laughed, "You know me; it's only seaweed up here." I smiled sadly at the memory of Annabeth, calling me seaweed brain for the first time.

Poseidon chuckled before continuing, "Hecate has her own world of magic, individuals who she blessed many centuries ago. Their descendants live on and teach the younger generations the ways of magic. This magic is different from the mist, as the mist is for the immortals and their offspring. Their magic comes from wands and their magic potential within.

I sat nodding along, grasping onto every word, "So like Merlin or Gandalf."

Poseidon laughs, "Ah yes, Merlin was once a great wizard among their kind. Gandalf, I'm afraid, is just from a story."

I raise my brows, "Merlin was real?"

Poseidon smirks, "Oh yes, there are many great wizards and witches in the history of the world. However, the magic world, like the godly world, is hidden from mortals. Hecate has asked if you would happen to have a desire to enter this world."

I slowly grinned, "You mean, would you, Perseus Jackson, like to become a wizard? Of course, I would! Who wouldn't!"

Poseidon booms with laughter and pulls me into a side hug. "I will speak to your mother about this. I will also let Hecate know of your answer. I will meet you here this Friday with Hecate so she can tell you more. However, this is a secret world, so please refrain from spilling the beans."

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