Chapter 5- The Hogwarts Express

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A month later, we all gathered in the foyer of the manor. Poppy teleported our luggage down the stairs and made sure to arrange my books and clothes with the greatest care. She loves Leo and me, but Leo tends to play pranks on anyone in his vicinity, so she enjoys my presence more. She also greatly appreciates the treats I bring her and the tricks Leo gives her, as she is not shy to prank the other house-elves.

Poppy hugs our knees as she openly wails, "Poppy will *hic* miss the young *hic* masters so very *hic* much!"

We each rub Poppy's head to comfort her. "Don't worry, Poppy, Leo will prank all of the Hogwarts elves for you," I offer.

She slowly looks up with a wide wet grin, hiccups disappearing instantly. Leo laughs, "In honor of Poppy, consider them pranked."

Mum shakes her head as she ushers us toward her. We grab ahold of our parents as we disapparate to the apparation point in the alleyway just outside King's Cross Station. We pick up our luggage, which father has enchanted with a featherlight charm, and quickly find trolleys. We load our luggage and empty cages onto the trolleys. Our twin black barn owls, O'leary and Fetus, have been sent ahead to the owlery at Hogwarts as they hate to be cooped up in their cages for too long.

The train leaves promptly at 11 o'clock and father insists on being at least an hour early so we can find the best compartment, so naturally we are two hours early.

We casually walk to the barrier between platforms 9 and 10 and melt into the pillar, appearing on platform 9¾. The Hogwarts Express gleams scarlet, enveloped by steam. We quickly stow our luggage and rush back to our parents and Estelle. We hug them all goodbye and make our way onto the train. We find a compartment toward the dining car of the train and make ourselves comfortable.

Gazing out the now open window, we watch as the students fill the platform, bidding their families goodbye and slowly boarding the train themselves. When Ollivander and Calypso enter, we wave her over. She quickly hugs her grandfather goodbye and joins us.

At about ten till a group of redheads arrives with Harry. Harry quickly breaks away and makes for the train as the redheads bid their family farewell.

I point out the family, "Hey Leo, I think those are your cousins, the Weasley family."

He glances over and smirks, "Quite the Red Sea going on."

Calypso rolls her eyes as I quietly chuckle and bring out yet another textbook to read.

We catch up with Calypso as the train leaves the station, making its way toward Hogwarts. When the conversation lags or doesn't include me, I return to my book, tabbing things of interest with my wizard version of post its.

Halfway through the journey, we purchase treats from a flustered trolley witch who was muttering about having had to restock the cart after only visiting three compartments.

Shortly after the trolley witch left a bushy-haired girl opens our compartment door, "Have you seen a toad? A boy called Neville has lost his."

We shake our heads no as she notices my textbook in hand. She promptly sits in the seat next to me, "Have you read ahead? I've read all of my textbooks. I can not wait to try my first spell."

I blink at her forewarned but smile gently in return, "I've read them at least three times each."

She brightens at this, "I'm Hermione." She sticks out her hand toward me.

I notice the compartment is eerily quiet as Leo and Calypso are now watching us. I take Hermione's hand, "I'm Perseus, but my friends call me Percy."

She smiles at me and then abruptly gets up, "I should help find Neville's toad, nice to meet you, Percy."

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