Chapter 14- Mirror, Mirror

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The following day Leo and I raced down the stairs to join everyone at the breakfast table, releasing the pent-up energy we controlled so diligently the night before.

"Can we get the tree today? Please!" We chorused as we took our seats.

Mom chuckled as we stared pleadingly at Paul. He finally set down the prophet and smiled back at us. "I think that would be a lovely idea. Poppy tells me the trees are doing well under her undivided care this year."

"Yes!" We both shot our fists into the air and then began loading our plates.

Mum eyed us as we loaded our plates, "You may want to wait for Calypso dears."

Leo's eyes bulged, "Oh, she may be mad at me...." He slid many pieces of fruit and eggs onto another plate and set it at Calypso's usual chair.

I saw mum and dad exchange curious glances before returning to their own plates.

A few moments later, Calypso gracefully waltzed into the room and took her seat, "Good Morning, Shafiq's."

Mum smiled at her, noticing the lack of Leo's name, "Good morning, dear. We were just discussing obtaining a tree after breakfast. Would you care to join us?"

Calypso pushed her food around on her plate, "I'm sorry, Sally, I think I will take the morning to write a letter to my grandfather to see when he will be visiting."

Mum nodded and sent a glare at Leo that made him lower himself in his seat.

After breakfast, we set off across the gardens to the wood line on the far end of the property. Father had planted many Christmas trees here, and as a yearly tradition, we would pick the biggest one for the great living room. Of course, this would really be the first year this tradition was actually happening and not just a fake memory.

I halted when I saw the Christmas grove, "Wow! Poppy has done some serious magic on these!" The trees were twice the height as a tree you would find in a tree patch, and the branches were full and evenly pruned. Not near as tall as Thalia's tree.

I smiled sadly while Poppy beamed up at us.

Leo and I ran through the trees and eventually decided on one. Poppy snapped her fingers, and the tree and herself disappeared.

We beamed up at our parents as we returned to the house. The Granger's would be here this evening, and we would decorate the tree together.

Mum held Leo back as we made our way to the house. A couple hours later, they finally came in. She gave Leo a warning look and then glanced at me, "Go clean yourselves up. The Grangers called; they had already left. I want you both bathed, dressed, and down here in less than an hour." She started to walk away before rounding on Leo, "And no funny business, go straight to your room."

Leo hung his head and brushed past me, making his way to his room, refusing to speak.

We all stood in the front garden a short while later and watched as the Grangers pulled in. Hermione's face was pushed almost all the way against the glass as she stared wide-eyed at the manor and grounds.

She stepped out of the car, mouth still agape as we each bound her in a hug. She laughed, "you never told me you lived in a bloody mansion!"

Mrs. Granger gasped, "Hermione! Language!"

Hermione smiled sheepishly, "Sorry, mum."

The following few days were a blur.

Leo and I showed Hermione everything we could about the manor and the grounds. We introduced her to Poppy and some of the other elves, and she proceeded to lay into us about slavery and the likes. Poppy had to stop her and explain how house-elves tied their magics to a family or house and provided aid to feed off the magic in return. They wanted to be there and benefited from it just as much as the wizarding family. I assured Hermione that although some families may see their elves as nothing but slaves, we viewed ours as an extension of our family.

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