Chapter 6- The Sorting

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The room in which we walked into was magnificent. We had each thoroughly read Hogwarts: A History and knew of the magical enchantment on the ceiling. It was enchanted to look like the night sky. Candles hung unsupported below the ceiling, and four long tables stood below them.

Professor McGonagall placed an old tattered wizard's hat onto a small stool at the head of the hall.

The hat burst out into a song regarding the four Houses and their traits, ending with,  "So put me on! Don't be afraid! And don't give a flap! You're in safe hands (though I have none), for I'm a thinking cap!"

Professor McGonagall unrolled a large scroll, "When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted." She adjusted her spectacles and glanced at the scroll, "Abbott, Hannah."

A young girl in pigtails steps out of line and makes her way to the stool. She picked up the hat and sat upon the stool, lowering the hat onto her head. A brief moment later, the hat shouts, "HUFFLEPUFF!"

The young girl swiped the hat from her head and hurried to the now cheering table.

"Bones, Susan!"


"Boot, Terry!"


The sorting continued as each first year was assigned to their new Houses. Hermione Granger took much longer than the majority being sorted.

When Malfoy was called, he strutted to the stool and placed the hat onto his head with a sneer. As the hat barely touched his hair, it shouted, "SLYTHERIN!" Malfoy strode over to join his friends at the Slytherin table with a look of pride.

A few moments later, Professor McGonagall called "Ollivander, Calypso!"

Leo reached out and gave Cal's hand a quick squeeze before she stepped from the line. She gracefully made her way to the front of the room. Many of the first-year boys followed her progress toward the stool with jaws slightly ajar. For being 11 years old, she still looked like a goddess. I could feel Leo scowling at the boys.

Calypso sat on the chair and lifted the hat to her head. As soon as the hat was in place, it gasped, "Oh!" A few of the older students began to murmur at this.

Calypso slowly smiled as the hat conversed with her. After a few moments, that hat called out, "RAVENCLAW!"

There were audible disappointed groans throughout the room as she slid from the stool and glided to the Ravenclaw table.

"Potter, Harry!"

The hall grew eerily quiet and then suddenly burst out in loud whispers. "Potter?" ... "The Harry Potter?"

Harry slowly made his way to the front, looking slightly terrified. As he lowered the hat over his head, people were standing to get better views. The hat dropped low over his head, covering his eyes.

The hall was tense, waiting for the sorting hat's verdict.

It appeared Harry was having a whispered conversation with the hat before it shouted out, "--Gryffindor!"

The Gryffindor table all stood as they cheered and clapped. Two redheaded twins yelled in a singsong chant, "We got Potter! We got Potter!"

Professor McGonagall shot the boys a very piercing glare, and they promptly sat down in silence.

"Prewitt, Leonidas!"

The two redheads quickly leaned forward and caught the attention of another redhead a few seats over, "Did she say Prewitt?" They whispered in unison as Leo made his way to the front of the room. The third boy slowly nodded his head as he watched Leo with interest.

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