Hang out day

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                 ~ Latavia's POV ~

I was sound asleep until my phone started to ring "Hello" I answered while sitting up carefully trying not to wake up Issa "Hey girly" a fully woke YN said "What's yo motive for waking me up?" I scoffed

"I need you to pick out my outfit"

"Why can't you pick out your own outfit" I raised my eyebrow in curiosity "Well you see I can't walk right now... And Prince is asleep" She explained

I laughed and got out of the bed putting on some spandex shorts and one of Issa's shirts "Damn he hit it that good?" I asked

"Hell yea...... I can't even move my leg without it hurting"

I chuckled "Damn... Well what are we doing today?"

"Well we can go get our phones customized then go out to eat and movies" She suggested

"Okay..... Well open the door I'm here"

"............................... What did I just say?"

"Ohhhh my bad" I laughed "I forgot you was paralyzed"

I walked inside of her hotel room and hung up the phone

I seen her sitting against the headboard of the bed with Prince laying beside her sleep

"Hey girl" I sat on one of the chairs that was in here "Hey Tavia" She smiled

I walked over to her closet and sat infront of it examining all the shit she got in there

"Oh my god" I heard YN mumble. I turn around and seen her covering her mouth... My eyes went wide cause I already knew she was about to throw up by the way her face twisted up

I got up and ran to the bathroom, grabbing the little trashcan in there and ran back to YN

She grabbed it fast and threw up inside of it

I held her hair and rubbed her back while she threw up

She put the trashcan down on the side of the bed and wiped her mouth

"Are you okay YN?" I asked her while I still rubbed her back

She nodded "Yep.... Just a Stomach Virus that's all"

"YN........ Are you pregnant?" I asked and her eyes went wide "I don't know....... What if I am? How will Prince react?" She screamed

Prince woke up and rubbed his eyes "What y'all screaming about?" He said in his sleepy voice

YN hurried up and jumped of the bed but fell but I caught her bacause you know..... She might be with child "Thanks" She mumbled and I nodded

She stood up with her legs a little wobbly

"What's wrong with your legs?" Prince asked "You did it" YN scoffed and I chuckled and YN elbowed me in the stomach

He chuckled "My bad boo..... I'll take it from here Latavia.... Thanks" He said while climbing out the bed and picking YN up into his arms

I nodded "I'll take you to the hospital once we get some clothes on" I whispered into YN's ear and she nodded and thanked me then I left

                       ~ YN's POV ~

Prince sat me on the bed and turned on the TV "Imma bout to find your outfit for today okay Gorgeous?" He pecked my lips and I nodded and he walked to the closet

I turned to the TV when I heard a reporter say "Mindless Behavior, Issa Thompson, Myles Brown, Lil Twist, and Jaay found with their lovers?" and It had a picture of us when we went to AquaKnox

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