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It was currently 9:45 in the morning and Twist woke up with a bad ass hangover! He looked to his left to see a naked blonde girl sound asleep beside him "The fuck?" He yelled and jumped out of the bed, yanking the covers off of the girl and covering himself. The girl woke up and sat up on the bed, smiling over at a confused Twist "Hey boo" She bit her lip

"Umm..... Who is you?" He asked while sweating nervously

"Who are you" She corrected

"Excuse me?" He raised his eyebrow in curiosity

"You said 'Who is you' but it's 'Who are you' Use proper grammer Twist" She said in a 'duh' tone

"Who the fuck are you? That's all I'm asking" He yelled, clearly growing frustrated

"Oh I'm Emily! You don't remember anything from last night do you?" She smirked and licked her lips

"Hell nah. Bitch I don't even know you! Get out" Twist yelled and pointed to the door "Why will I do that baby? I love you" She walked over to Twist and rubbed her finger up and down his chest which was not covered with the cover. He dropped to cover and pulled on some plaid boxers "Bruh if you don't leave, I got two girls named YN and Latavia on speed dial... They will come down here and beat yo ass..... Well YN can't right now but Latavia most definitely will" He threatened while he grabbed his space grey Iphone 6

She huffed and put on her clothes. Once she was fully dressed, she looked at Twist and smiled "My number is saved in your phone" She went over and tried to kiss him but he put his hand on her face and pushed her face away "Bye bye" He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her out the room, shutting and locking the door

He sighed deeply and ran his hand down his face. He didn't know what happen, so he decided to call Jaay and see if he knew what happened

"Hello?" Jaay groaned tiredly into the phone "Wassup man... Do you remember anything that happened last night?" Twist asked as he laid back down on his bed

"Yea, why?"

"Cause, bruh I woke up with a blonde in my bed......... NAKED" He acknowledged through the phone

Jaay laughed "Bruh yo ass was drunk as fuck... Right when we got back from the interview, we decided to go to the bar across the street from the SLS building. And long story short is You, Steven, Tyler, Prince, Issa, Roc, Racheal and Ray got drunk..... Me, Myles, Janea, Naomi, YN, Latavia, Emauri, Kaden and EJ tried to help y'all to the hotel.... Even Trey and one of his groupies had to help us..... And on the way to your room, you met Emily" He laughed again "The Emily from our school"

"Damn" Twist laughed "We had a blast didn't we?"

"Hell yea! And YN and Latavia was about to beat these two gay dudes up that was trying to get with Prince and Issa......... Ray was trying to fuck Emauri on the countertop, Latavia and Issa was kissing all up on each other, YN and Prince was saying nasty shit to eachother in Spanish, Naomi was trying to control Roc cause he was trying to strip on one of the tables, Steven and Tyler was dancing everywhere, you went on the stage and started rapping some random shit and I think Kaden and Racheal went to the bathroom and fucked............. Then we got kicked out"

"Bruhhh" Twist laughed historically but stopped once his head started hurting "Man my head is killing me"

"Take some aspirin" Jaay suggested

"Aiight man... But when was we suppose to be going bungee jumping?"

"I think at like 4 something... Idk"


"Aiight bye"

"Bye" Then Twist hung up

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