IDK what to name this chapter

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                                                                     ~ Next day ~

                                                                    ~ Y/N'S POV ~

I woke up at 6:00 this morning naked with Janae and Naomi beside me sleep................................. Ohhhhhhh I forgot that we did that *smirks*

Y/N: *wakes them up* yall need to go home and get ready for school

Naomi: Aiight *her and Janae kisses you* see you at school *they leave*

We not together if that's what y'all thinking ! We just....................Fuck buddies............... but anyway since I don't have to go school till 9 imma go see what the boys is up to downstairs.

                                                                  ~ NOBODY'S POV ~

The boys are sitting on the couch watching spongbob and you come downstairs

Y/N: wassup yall * sits between Ray and Prince *

Twist: So I thought yall wasn't going to have a threesome ?

Y/N: we didn't * eyes turn gray *

Jaay: first of all your eyes turned gray and second of all, all we heard yesterday was them moaning your name

Roc: * whispers * was is good ?

Y/N: * nods head * mhm * daps him *

Ray: Nigga you still gotta tell me what all went down

Y/N: Niggaaaa * Kevin Hart's voice * I got you

Issa: Nigga I thought I told your ass that i wanted to join the goddamn threesome

Y/N: Ohhhhhh......... well see what had happened was I tried to come get you but they stopped me because they didnt want you to join * eyes turn gray *

Issa : You fucking liar * walks to the kitchen *

Prince: * eating a breakfast burrito * bruhhhhhhh..................... imma be in the next threesome fuck that

Y/N: *laughs* imma go take a shower yall

You take a shower for an hour and get out. You put on a purple half bra, white leggings, and your purple and white carmines, and you curled your hair

Y/N: Y'all ready ?

TheBoys: Yea * yall leave*

              ~ At school ~

You have gym today since today is a B-day. All the boys, Naomi, Janae, Tyler, Steven, Racheal, and Brittany is in that class too.

Ms. Spitz: Today we have a new student joining our class today ! Y/N may you come and get your locker # and combination please ?

Y/N: *gets # and sit back down*

Ms. Spitz: So today class you will be running a mile so go get ready

              ~ Locker room ~

Y/N: *changing into a gray training bra, black spendex shorts, gray tube socks, and black and gray jordans*

Brittany: *come around the corner* Well, well, well look who it is, ms. thotiana

Y/N: Brittany I swear to god if you don't get out my face with that bullshit, I will slit your goddamn throat try me bitch *walks off like a goddamn boss with Janae and Naomi*

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