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AN: imma skip to when they start school


I woke up at 8 this morning. I went to my closet to look for my first day of school fit. I got some high - waisted jeans with a black half shirt that says Duck my sick in red letters, my red and black timberlands, and a red and black snapback that said my name on it wore backwards. I got in the shower for 40 minutes and got out and put on my clothes, my necklace that say MoneyBaby in diamonds, got my backpack that have stewie with a gun on it and my phone and went downstairs.

Nobody's POV

Boys: Hey beautiful

You: Hey handsomes

Issa: okay lets go

yall get in the blue Rolls Royce

Ray: Y/N theres going to be some mean girls that always pick on people pretty then them so watch your back.

You: aiight

yall arrive to school

Twist: go to the office and get your locker number, we will be right here


I went in the office to get my locker number and combination

You: hi, can i get my locker number

gives you your locker # and walk out

You: yall don't have to wait on me

Issa: you sure?

You: yea

Jaay: see you in class

they walk off. you go find your locker and get your stuff and go to math

Nobody's POV

you walk into class and everybody is staring at you

Mr.Neverson: *Trey Songz* hi, I'm Mr.Neverson and you must be Y/N right?

You: yes

Mr.Neverson: *look you up and down* you can seat behind Issa

You: okay

so while you walking all the boys are biting they lip then you get to your seat

Issa: sup Y/N/N

You: wassup niggas *Twist sits behind, Myles sit beside you on the right and Jaay sit on the left*

Mr.Neverson: Y/n come here for a minute please

you walk up

You: Yes?

Mr.Neverson: can you go down to Ms. Beavers class and get something for me

You: yea, what am I getting

Mr.Neverson: just tell her you getting something for me, she'll give you it

You: okay *walks out*

Mr.Neverson: so, class what do yall think about Y/N

Tyler: *some dope lightskinned boy* I think she beautiful and have swagg

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