Going home

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                    °A month later°

It was now the end of the summer and today was the day that they go back to California.

"Imma miss you guys forreal" Latavia said to YN through the phone "Yea umm about that we was thinking...." YN trailed off

"Who's we? And what was y'all thinking about?" Latavia asked cluelessley

"Me and the rest of squad... We was thinking about asking if you want to move in with us in California?" YN asked

Latavia squealed excitedly "YESS!!!! I will love to move in with y'all.... I don't have nobody down here anyway so... Why not?" She smiled

"Great... So go ahead and pack the stuff that's in the hotel room and tell Issa to take you to your house and get everything..... And hurry up cause our flight is at 6 in the afternoon" YN explained

Latavia looked at the clock at it was 5 something in the morning "okay imma start now"


"Aiight bye"

Latavia hung up and put her phone on the bed

"Issa" She yelled out, while she went a grabbed a suit case and started packing her stuff

"What boo?" Issa said, walking out the bathroom with a pair of Clavin Klein briefs on

"You taking me to my house so I can pack my stuff up" She said while she was putting her clothes into the suit case "We have until 6...."



"THE FUCK? BITCH THAT AIN'T MY BABY" Twist yelled to Emily who appeared at the door saying that she was pregnant with his child

"Yes it is" Emily argued back

"Well I'm not giving you SHIT until that baby comes out and we get a DNA test" Twist said and slammed the door in her face

"That bitch is crazy"

                °Tremaine's POV°

Well I been had my shit packed since the day before yesterday. But Kiesha is over here at the moment

"Look Tremaine that lil bitch.... what's her name? YN? She's gonna end up getting her ass kicked" She said and I rolled my eyes "You better not touch her she pregnant" I stated

She scrunched up her face "How old is she? She too young to have a baby.. Her momma and daddy should beat her ass"

"Look bitch don't you worry about YN, she good.. And don't you ever speak of her fuckin' parents again that's none of your goddamn business... Get the fuck out" I pulled her out of the room and slammed the door

I can't believe that bitch had the nerve to talk about YN.... I should've beat her ass... But imma bout to go back sleep..... It's 5 in the morning and our flight isn't until 6 in the afternoon

                 °Brittany's POV°

To be honest I'm really hyped to go back to California. I just wanna go home and see my peoples...... Haven't seen them in forever

But it's now 11 something and I just got done packing

Ever since YN and Prince told us that YN was Pregnant, I've been down later...... I'm don't think I still have feelings for her... Or do I?

           °5:20 in the afternoon°

Everybody was in the lobby waiting for the limo to take them to the airport

"Imma really miss Vegas" Steven said "They had some sexy ass bitches"

"I know right? I still didn't get that bitches number from a couple of nights ago" Tyler shook is head disappointed

"Bruh tell me why Emily came to my room this morning saying she was Pregnant and shit" Twist said

"Bruh" Roc laughed

"Well is she?" Prince, Trey, Ray, and Jaay said in unison

*Aye that rhymed lol*

"I don't know, I told her I ain't believing her until I see she pregnant and then I get a DNA test" Twist explained

"Damn bruh" Myles and Issa said

"The limo's here" YN, Latavia, Janae, and Emauri yelled

They all gathered their stuff into the limo and got in

  °McCarran International Airport°

It was now 5:45 and they just arrived at the airport. They unloaded their stuff, paid the limo driver and walked to Gate 45

"Bruh I'm so ready to smell the California air" Prince said

"Me too... I actually miss school" Racheal said

"Damn I forgot I'm still a teacher" Trey groaned making everybody laugh

"To make it even better, you still get to teach us" YN said excitedly

"That actually does make it better" Trey Smiled

"Bruh to think that this is our last year in High School" Roc said

"I know right?" Myles said

"Flight to Los Angeles, California will be taking off in 10 mintues. Please board the plane. I repeat flight to Los Angeles, California will be taking off in 10 mintues. Please board the plane" The announcer said on the speaker

So everybody picked up their stuff and walked to the plane giving the person their plane ticket and boading the plane

Prince and YN sat together

Ray and Emauri sat beside them on the right, across the aisle

Issa and Latavia sat beside eachother, behind Prince and YN

Roc and Naomi sat behind Ray and Emauri

Racheal and Kaden sat in front of Princeton and YN

Trey sat behind all of them

Tyler and Steven sat together

Myles and Jaay sat together

EJ and Twist sat together

And Janae and Brittany sat together

"Everybody please fashion your seatbelts because we are about to take off"

Everybody fashioned their seatbelts and got ready to leave

Goodbye Las Vegas

This shit sucks and it's SO short ;(

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