School part 2

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                   ~ Lunch ~

                  ~ Y/N POV ~

So I walked into the lunch room and everybody and they goddamn mama was staring at me ! Like damn, I know I look good, but can I get my face back please ? But anyway I went and sat with Ray Ray and them

Jaay: Hey beautiful

Y/N: Hey you guys wyd ?

Boys: nun nun

Then some girl came over to the table

Girl: Hey are you Y/N ?

Y/N: Yea, wassup

Girl: OMG, your the new girl that everybody talking about, Hi my name is Naomi, Naomi Jackson *smiles and holds out hand*

Y/N: *chuckles and shakes hand* Hey beautiful

*Naomi is Bisexual too*

Naomi: *smirks* Hey how about I give you my number and we can hang sometime ? *bites lips sexual*

Y/N: *writes down number* sounds like a plan ! How about this saturday ?

Naomi: *takes number* For sure ! Bye sexy *winks and walks off happy*

Y/N: *turns back around, eates a fry and all the boys are smirking* what ?

Roc: Damn bookey ! You already got hoes on your first day here !

Prince: *shocked* I've been trying to get Naomi since 9th grade !

Y/N: *chuckles* i love being bisexual

Prince: *chuckles* why ?

Y/N: easy threesomes

Roc: thats what i'm saying *daps you*

Then another girl come over

Girl: Y/N can I speak to you for a minute ?

Y'all walk to the hallway

Y/N: wassup ?

Girl: *kisses you*

Y/N: *touches your lips then look at her* What was that for ?

Girl: Sorry I just got too carried away, Hey my name is Janae

Y/N: Hey beautiful, so imma go back into the lunch room okay ?

Janae: okay, I think I have next block with you, maybe you can sit by me and we can talk more !

Y/N: *smiles* okay *walks away*

Twist: Bruh........... this is making me mad

Y/N: what ?

Twist: You getting every single girl that we tried to get but they rejected us *sits back and folds his arms*

The bell rings and you go to class

* Janae is a sexy ass mexican girl that has medium sized boobs and a medium sized butt, and Naomi is a sexy ass lightskninned girl with medium sized boobs and a big butt, they both in your next block*

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