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Y/N woke up at 6 in the morning with Prince's arms wrapped around her waist. She smiled and tried to get out of his embrace, but he held tighter

" Let me go baby, I got to get ready for school " She finally got out of his grip, making him groan and stuff his face into the pillow

Y/N went to her closet and pulled out some panties and a bra. Her outfit she picked out was a white crop top, some white high waisted ripped jeans, a black, long sleeve, button down, see through shirt that she will wear unbuttoned, with some strapped heels

" Can I take a shower with you ? " Princeton got up lazily from the oh so comfy bed that he was going to miss dearly all day today

" I don't care "

They both got in the shower, washed up then go out and brushed their teeth

Y/N put her clothes on and putted her hair into a long slick ponytail

" You wearing high heels ? " Princeton asked, surprised while dropping his towel and putting on his Clavin Klein briefs

" Yep, so if any bitch want to try me, or touch my nigga, they going to have my right high heel in they goddamn eyeball " She stated, going to the mirror, spraying some perfume on herself

He laughed " You fucking crazy "

He came up to Y/N and hugged her from behind, looking at her in the mirror

" I love how you still short, even with heels on " Prince chuckled " You look beautiful baby " Prince kissed behind Y/N's ear, making her smile and her eyes turn a light purple

" Thank you papí, you look handsome yourself "

Princeton had on some red skinny jeans, a red, black, gray and white Tupac and Biggy shirt, his red, white, and colorful jordans, with his hair in a ponytail and some black glasses on

" Gracias mamí " Princeton turned her around and pecked her lips " Come on "

So y'all both got y'all backpacks, phones, and other shit and went downstairs with everybody else

" Goodmorning big sis, Goodmorning Prince " Emauri greeted, while sitting on Ray's lap

" Goodmorning Emauri, Goodmorning everybody " Y/N and Prince greeted, sitting at the kitchen table with everybody else

" Why the fuck are we up so early ? It is ............... 6:50 and school don't start until 7:30 " Kaden groaned, looking at his gold rolex watch

" Nigga, if we woke up at 7, we would've been late dumb ass " Jaay stated

" Aye, Don't talk to bae like that nigga " Racheal jumped in, defending her boyfriend, making Jaay gasp

" You're white, you're not suppose to say that word " Jaay joked

* no racism *

" Nah, Racheal is a black girl stuck in a white girls body " Roc said, making everybody laugh

" That's my baby though " Kaden smiled and kissed Racheal, making Emauri and Y/N gag

Y/N covered her eyes " My virgin eyes won't ever be the same "

Myles smacked his teeth " Nigga you know damn well you ain't no virgin "

" Yes I am " Y/N's eyes turned gray

" No you not, all that moaning and shit we heard yesterday ? What was that, huh ? " E.J asked

" Prince was watching porn in the movie room "

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