Pt. 2

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                        ~ EJ's POV ~

"Oh shit" I mumbled. We was currently in the movie theater watching Fifty Shades of Grey. And let me tell you something, this movie is freaky ass fuck !!!! It's about a virginal college student who falls for a billionaire with a knack for bondage and domination

Anastasia Steele, The girl, Had a roommate that was sick and had to do an interview with the mysterious and eligible billionaire bachelor Christian Grey for her roommate's school paper. This dude really likes Ana, Anastasia Steele, but the twist to him being single is because he's really into BDSM (bondage, domination, sadism, and masochism) And did y'all know that Fifty Shades of Grey was started out as Twlight?

Crazy right? I'm very smart when it comes to educational shit like this

But during the movie, I can see all the girls into it. They're jumping up and down in their seat

I know YN likes this movie Alot...... Freaky ass

"Ahhh" Emauri squealed when one of the sex scenes came up squeezing Ray's hand. Ray scoffed "It's not even that fuckin' serious"

I laughed quietly cause Ray is lowkey pissed

"Awe man" YN yelled jumping up excited when she saw the girl getting tied up and the boy rubbing ice up and down her body. Prince just shook his head

Latavia was shaking her leg eagerly while biting her nails

The rest of the girls was just watching the movie normally

Once the movie was over, the girls stood up and applauded the movie, yelling and being ghetto

We dragged all the girls out of the movie theater and into the car

"Well we have like 2 hours until y'all phones are finished" Kaden stated "so how about we go to Maggiano's Little Italy?" Janae suggested

"They sell Italian food right?" Roc asked "duhh the food is from Italy... Think papí think" Naomi yelled

"Eh, it sounds better when YN and Emauri says 'papí'" Latavia stated and everybody laughed


                   °No one's POV°

It was now 5 in the afternoon and they just got back from getting their phones back

They're currently in Tremaine's room chilling

"So YN have you told them the news yet?" Trey asked and everybody except for Latavia, and Prince looked at him confused

YN nervously chuckled with her eyes turning a Grayish-Greenish and kicked his leg on the sly "What news you talking about?" She asked with her teeth gritted together and a glare

He finally caught the drift "Ohhhh uh, um that they shut Empire down?" He said more like a question than an answer

"Nu uh you lying cause YN's eyes says other wise" Steven crossed his arms over his chest and smirked

"What are you talking about Steven? My eyes are perfectly fine" YN snarled "Well if you call your gray eyes Perfectly Fine then........ Fine" Tyler shrugged

"I'm not lying about anything goddamn" YN whined and crossed her arms

"I don't believe her" Ray whispered "Me neither" Brittany mumbled

"Omg okay fineee" YN yelled out pulling some of her hair

Everybody turned their attention to YN

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