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°Prince's POV°

3 days

3 mothafuckin' days that Latavia and YN has been gone. Today's monday and none of us went to school. Trey even stayed home. I've cried myself to sleep every night. I know it makes me seem like a bitch but I don't give a fuck.. If your future wife, child, and friend was missing and you didn't know if they were dead or alive you will be crying like a little ass bitch too

My mother and brother are still here and Kaden, Emauri, and YN's mother is still here

"I'm hungry" Santonio said as he walked to the kitchen

"Culo gordo (Fat ass)" I yelled and my mother hit me in the back of the head

"Nigga stop all that goddamn cursing. That shits so fucking disrespectful" She yelled in her mexican accent

Everybody laughed even Santonio who came out the kitchen with pizza rolls

"The fu-freak you laughing at?" I hurried and corrected myself, talking to Santonio

"You know what bitch nigga?" Santonio started off as he licked hot sauce and ranch off of his fingers then sat his plate down on the table "I'm getting sick and tired of yo shit.. Mothafucka' fight me" Santonio squared up, making everyone laugh

"Madre he just said..." I trailed off, counting how many cuss words Santonio said on my fingers "3 cuss words and he don't get in trouble? See if it was me I probably would've got my eye blacked" I muttered the last part

"Cause I'm grown" Santonio said as he sat down and I rolled my eyes

This nigga

°YN's POV°

Day two in this fuckin' house and it is complete TORTURE!!!!! Yesterday they made me sit and watch them beat Latavia, after that Jared hit me in a face a couple of times, and Shawn raped Amari. Like who does that? TO A FUCKING 4 YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL????????? We was tied once again but this time we was all in the same room

I've been taking Latavia's advice and I'm staying calm as ever, even though I know that we can get killled any minute but I still have to remain calm for my baby's sake

Latavia was tied to a chair, and me and Amari was tied to the bed

"This shit sucks" Latavia muttered and I nodded

"Can y'all tell me about y'all boyfwiends and family?" Amari asked lowly

"Well I ain't got no boyfriend!!! I'm living the single life!!!!" Latavia said.. Just thinking about it made her mad

"Well I got a boyfriend" I smiled. I really missed him... It's been 3 days since I seen my boyfriend and it's really making me mad

"Is that the same boy who got you pwegnant?" Amari asked and I nodded. She knows alot to be 4

Then Jared's and Brittany's ugly ass came in the room

"How y'all doing today?" Brittany smirked and Latavia and I rolled our eyes

"Girl wait till I get untied....." I said through clenched teeth

Jared laughed "Bitch you ain't getting untied... The fuck you thought this was?"

Then Lenzo, Kareem, Teebo, and Shawn walked in

Shawn walked over to me trying to give me a kiss but I moved my head. He got mad and punched in my nose, making my nose bleed

"Bitch if I want to give you a fuckin' kiss, you going to give me what I fuckin' want" Shawn yelled in my face

"I see your little boyfriend's not here to save you now huh? That nigga never loved you.. I bet he already forgot about you and is already with another bitch.... Speaking of that, I shall take that little ring he gave you too" Jared smiled

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