🖤Tenko x Suicidal Reader🖤

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She doesn't love me, I know she doesn't. She's always around Himiko, praising her and sticking by her side. It must be nice to be Himiko. I drag myself out of bed to see everyone gathered around.
"Hey! oh y/n." Tenko said seeing me.
"I saw Himiko in her lab." I said. She smiled and ran off.
"So how is everyone feeling?" I asked seeing how we just lost Ryoma and Kirumi yesterday.
"I'm still sad that Kirumi couldn't make it out." Keebo said.
"You can feel sadness. Wow!" Koichi teased.
"How are you feeling y/n?" Shuichi asked.
"Me? I'm hanging in there."
"Atua says it's best that we keep faith!" Angie added.
"Yeah. I'm going to go to my room." I said.
"Aren't you going to eat?" Kaito asked.
"I'm not hungry, I'll eat later. I just came to see how everyone was doing." I said.
They all understood and left me to go to my room.
On my way I passed Himiko's lab and saw her and Tenko hugging, they looked so happy and comfortable. I couldn't bear it, I wish Tenko would hug me like that. They pulled away and Himiko kissed Tenko. I felt tears form in my eyes as I ran to the kitchen where sadly Kokichi and Shuichi were.
"Oh, y/n." Shuichi said seeing me.
"Hey. I'll come back later." I said.
"No, its okay. We'll leave." He said taking Kokichi away. I sighed in relief before grabbing a knife and heading to my room.
When I got there I wrote Tenko a goodbye letter and slipped it under the door of her room and little did I know she was in there. I walked back to my room and by the time I was inside I heard running and calling.
"Y/N WAIT PLEASE!" It was Tenko. I didn't understand why but I just continued.
I locked the door, slid to the floor and pointed the knife at my stomach. I heard Tenko calling out for me and pounding on the door but I ignored it. I took a deep breath and pushed it into my stomach.
It wasn't long before I felt my vision go dark and I felt nothing.

*Tenko's pov*

I've had a crush on y/n since we got here but I didn't know if she liked girls so I hid these feelings and just hung out with Himiko. I felt bad for ignoring y/n but I knew it was the only way to keep her and I safe.
I went off to Himiko's lab to see what she thought about the situation because I really wanted to be with y/n so I think its time. When I told her she got upset and hugged me, after a while she pulled away and kissed me. I was shocked so it took a while before I pushed away and ran to my room. When I got there I sat by my door until I saw a note being slipped under my door. I opened it and read.

Dearest Tenko

I know this may come as a surprise but I love you. I love you and really want you to be happy. Even of it means I'm not around. I see how much you adore Himiko and only wish to be cared about even half as much by you but I can't so this the only thing to stop my heart from breaking even more. I'm going to die, I don't want you to blame yourself. I only wish for you to be happy. So goodbye and please win this game.

Love y/n

I rushed out of my room to y/n's, calling for her but she ignored me. She locked her door and wouldn't respond. I continued until I knew she was gone, when I knew I broke down.
"Whats wrong Tenko?" Shuichi asked.
"S-she's gone." I cried.
"Who's gone?" Kokichi asked.
"Kokichi can you lock pick the door?" Shuichi request.
"Okay." Kokichi mumbled before picking the lock. Shuichi pushed it open but struggled a bit telling us she was behind the door.
I snuck through and saw her laying on the floor, in a pool of her blood. I let pit a scream and collapsed on the floor so I could hold her.
Everyone else came in and saw her, some gasped others screamed and the rest just stood in shock. Shuichi tried to get me away from her to investigate but I wouldn't budge.
"S-she killed herself." I said when we went to the trial.
"What?" Shuichi asked.
"I'm glad she's gone, she was always so annoying." Himiko spoke up.
"W-what?" I asked.
"It was obvious she loved you and that she was going to kill herself. I only wanted her to die." Himiko admitted.
"H-how could you? This is your fault." I said in shock.
"No it's yours for not confessing."
"Tenko let's just finish this." Shuichi said.
Shuichi then wrapped up everything and we voted and she indeed killed herself.

After the trial since no one got executed we went to our dorms. I went to y/n's and saw everything cleaned up so I slept in her bed, well I didn't really sleep more like just cried.

A few days later Angie was found murdered and we preformed a ritual, one of us needed to be under a cage so I chose to I was hoping I would contact y/n and not Angie but in the middle of the ritual I felt myself being lifted then everything went black.

*Reader's pov*

I was in Heaven with everyone we lost, they all felt bad for what happened but I accepted it as my own choice.
I watched as Tenko found my body and the trial, her heart broken look and action especially brokr my heart. What surprised me the most is the fact that she loves me.
Its been a while since I died and Tenko was being the same she's been since she knew I was dead. It wasn't long before Angie was killed by Korekiyo so to find out who killed her they did a ritual and Tenko was going to be the vessel like thing but what made me suspicious was the fact Korekiyo was there. He ended up killing her which made me so pissed and sad. I was watching the trial play out when I felt Kaede tap my shoulder.
I turned around and saw Tenko there.
"Tenk-" I was cut off by her running to me and hugging me.
"I'm so sorry y/n I never loved Himiko i love you!" She cried.
"I'm sorry for leaving you."
"You didn't know. I-I'm sorry." She said. I pulled out of the hug and kissed her.
"Please don't apologize, I love you and don't wnat you to blame yourself." I said putting my fourgead on hers.
She nodded and kissed me again.
When Korekiyo arrived Tenko and Angie forgave him but Tenko barely. We knew now he has trauma that made him do that but since we are stuck here ther isn't a point in hating eachother.

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