29. More Introductions

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Annalise woke up to the sound of birds chirping. 

Ha. As if.

She woke up to the sound of a male screaming.

Annalise hopped out of bed and Sara fell out of the bed after her. "What in the world?" Both the girls rushed out the bedroom door and ran into a confused Liam. "Who is screaming?" he sleepily asked. 


"Noah!" Annalise yelled through the house. Where was he? 

"I think he's outside, Annalise," Sara commented. They all found their way to the back door. 

As soon as the back door flew open, Noah stopped screaming. He looked at the three of them with pure horror displayed on his face. Then he screamed again.

"Who are you!? Where am I!? Who am I!? AAAHHH!" He stopped for a deep breath. "My head hurts." 

He screamed again.

Sara walked up to him and slapped his face. "Stop screaming, idiot! People are going to think that we are killing you!"

His eyes widened, "Are you?"

"No!" She paused. "Not yet," Sara coughed. 

His eyes pleaded with the other two. "What's going on?"

Annalise walked up to him. "Noah, don't you remember?"

"No. Who are you?"


After everyone was seated in the living room and Liam had made sure that no one was coming to see what the screaming was about, they all filled Noah in on everything that had happened. 

"So, Noah isn't really my name?"

"No. But we don't know what it is," Sara responded. 

Noah scratched his head and took a drink of water that Annalise had provided. "Well, that's just great."

Annalise scooted closer to him. "Do you remember anything from the past day or two?"

"Nope. Nothing," he blinked. "Wait... I remember something..." He stopped and looked up at Annalise. 

"I remember me digging a grave." 

Everyone groaned. "We know," Liam rolled his eyes. Sara crossed her arms. "Why do you only remember the whole grave thing? It's so creepy."


After Noah seemed to be up to date, they all discussed what to do next. Or at least, they tried to. 

Annalise shifted in her seat. "So... what's next?"

Sara dropped her head into her hands. 

"I don't know."

"Ok, great start. Any more suggestions?" Annalise looked around the room hopefully. 

Noah and Liam just stared at her blankly. Thanks guys.

"I can't believe..." Sara lifted her face, "that Chris would..." 

And then she cried. 

Annalise awkwardly patted her back and made a face at Liam. Liam walked over to where Sara was sitting and pulled her into his arms. 

As Sara sobbed, Annalise turned to Noah. As Noah stared blankly at the table in front of him, Annalise couldn't help but notice that he seemed a little different than he was the day before. What's wrong with him?

She turned to look over at her friend weeping on the couch. I'm so sorry, Sara. If she ever faced Chris again, Annalise was going to draw blood. Betrayal was just as bitter as Trust. 

Betrayal. That's all she could see in her parents' eyes. They thought that she had betrayed them...

No. She didn't. She couldn't have. 

She wasn't like Chris. 

Noah snapped his head upward and made eye contact with Annalise. She gave a weak smile. He rolled his eyes, then looked out a window.

Annalise narrowed her eyes. Rude. And that's MY window you're looking out of, so watch your attitude. 

Yeah, he definitely wasn't the same. Something happened.

But what?

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