Goodbye for now

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Hajime woke up to the sound of people's laughter and yelling. "Ah Hajime you're finally up" "What the what happened? I was just in my cottage" "That was a simulation you were never actually on an island just here in the Future Foundation building." "Where's my classmates?" "They're outside waiting for you" Byakuya pushed up his glasses and Hajime left. "Hajime!" He was quickly tackled by a bunch of hugs from his classmates. "I can't believe that was all a simulation" "I can't believe crybaby Mikan didn't get trapped there" "I guess even as an adult Hiyoko will always be mean" "Hold on Adults?" "Yup turns out we were all adults put back into our teen bodies" "They said Nagito isn't as crazy as he was in there but I don't know if I can trust them" "Now now Kazuichi let's not doubt the future foundation" "Was his hand always like that?" "He had to get replaced for...reasons I will not say" Everyone looked at Nagito as he had he usual smile on his face.
"I suppose this is goodbye for now." "Nonsense Hajime we'll all find our way back to each other" They all did a group hug and went their own ways.
Nagito and Hajime woke up to the sound of a two little boys shaking them. "Rantaro? What's the matter?" "Me and Kichi wanna sleep with you" "Rantaro you and Kokichi promised you'd sleeping in your own beds tonight" "Mommy said we could sleep with you whenever we wanted to" Hajime glared at Nagito. "Fine just for tonight though" Rantaro and Kokichi were lifted by their parents and they snuggled up next to them.
"One more kid wouldn't hurt" "Nagito you shut your goddamn mouth right now"

Wow. My first actual book that has an ending. This being my most popular one makes me a bit sad to know it's ended but there's more to come. The next story Komahina Family is technically the time skip and it's coming out soon same with the LucaxAndrew story also should I continue the childhood friends one I kinda came up with it at 3 am after I replayed chapter 5 of sdr2

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