*Late* Halloween

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"Hajime wake up!" Hearing his boyfriend yell right in his ear as he was trying to rest caused him to jump and hit his head. "Nagito!" "Sorry Hajime I just needed to make sure you were up for sure" "Why what happened are you hurt did Kazuichi start another fire?" "No and they already put it out, I woke you up because it's Halloween." Hajime glared at his boyfriend who had a wide smiling. "Nagito, you woke me up because of an event that people celebrate at NIGHT." Hajime yelling caused Nagito to jump back in fear falling on his butt. Hajime sighed and sat up. "Come here" Nagito still scared slowly sat next to Hajime. Hajime placed his hands on Nagito's shoulders and pushed him back.
"Nagito the next time you want to wake me up for an even at 5am please make it Christmas! Also HOW DID KAZUICHI EVEN START A FIRE EVERYONE SHOULD STILL BE ASLEEP!" "Heh they wanted me to wake you up for something I'll just tell them you don't want to know then." Nagito slipped out of Hajime's grip and headed towards the door only for hajime
to hug him from behind. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to be so rude I'm just tired." "I understand I shouldn't have woken you up so rudely, you probably wouldn't want trash like me to wake you up anyway." Hajime groaned, "Stop calling yourself trash please." Hajime let go of Nagito and walked to his closet and grabbed a new outfit and walked to the bathroom. "I'll be back in a bit".
Hajime walked out of the bathroom and Nagito led him to the others. *friendly reminder teruteru cannonly has a crush on Nagito*
"Finally you two are back!" "Sorry Mahiru something happened" "You two were probably making out" Hajime turned a bit red. "I'm sure Hajime wouldn't want to kiss trash like me." "Anyway why did you guys send Nagito to wake me up?" "We're doing a Halloween party in the hotel's old building." "And you guys couldn't have waiting for later to tell me this" "Well because we need you to keep Nagito away from us while we work so something bad doesn't happen to us due to his luck." "Why couldn't Chiaki take Nagito?" "Hajime,we all know he'll only agree to go with you" "Not true I'd be happy to go with any of the symbols of hope!" "A-And that creeps us out." "Well I'd be happy to keep Komaeda away!" Everyone looked at Nagito and he turned pale and stepped back. "Is Nagito afraid of teruteru?" "N-No of course not!" "Come on Komaeda we'll have a great time." Nagito looked at Teruteru then grabbed Hajime's shoulders and began to violently shake him. "Hajime please agree please" Hajime almost practically dead stopped Nagito. "Fine I'll be it just stop shaking me" "Yay we got that out of the way!" "Hey Nagito you think I could join you and Hajime?" "Of course Chiaki" Chiaki looked up from her game and smiled then walked over to the boys. "Those three are weird" "Kazuichi you have no right to be saying that!" "Hey Mahiru that was mean!"
All three of them ended up in the hotel lobby to play Mario Cart. After the three rounds Chiaki  and Nagito both placed for first while Hajime got fourth. "How did I even lose the a CPU?!" "Hajime, we're the Ultimate Lucky Student and  Gamer what did you expect?" "This isn't fair at all!" "Hajime being a sore loser isn't good" "I'm not a sore loser!" "Hajime you're turning really red." "Maybe we should play a game anyone could win at" "What's that?" "Russian Roulette" Chiaki and Hajime turned a bit pale. "Ah I see you interpreted that incorrectly I meant Russian Roulette as in the card game" Hajime sighed, "Nagito you really need to say your full ideas" Nagito smiled. Chiaki had left to get the cards leaving the two males alone.
"Hey Nagito can I ask you something?" "Sure go ahead!" "Whenever our friends began talking about their childhoods and parents why do you seem so uncomfortable?" Nagito's face changed. "I'm gonna go help Chiaki look for the cards" Nagito tried walking off but Hajime pulled his hand. "Nagito please at least tell me so I can maybe comfort you." Nagito sighed bringing up his childhood is never a easy thing for him to talk about. Nagito sat down at the little mini couch across from the reception desk. "We'll do you want to know about my parents or dog?" "Dog?" "Well I was playing with him outside and I thought I put him inside when I left to go to the park but he got out and was hit my a trump running after me." Hajime's face turned purple not wanting to know what else happened. Nagito stayed quiet for a while causing Hajime to snap out of his thoughts. He looked up to see Nagito's head down. "Nagito you okay?" Nagito lifted his head. "Yup I'm alright" Hajime noticed the weak smile he put on. "Nagito you don't have to tell me about your parents if you don't want to." "No, you asked so I'm going to get over it and tell you" Hajime sat next to Nagito. "Do you actually want to tell me?" Nagito nodded his head. "Well we went on a normal vacation like any other family would, and it was normal until we had the plane ride back." Hajime could tell Nagito was getting close to crying. "Nagito you don't have to tell me the rest if you don't want to." "I'm fine Hajime, but anyway the plane ended up being hijacked and the hijacker and my parents were all killed in front of me not to mention the meteor that hit the plane making me the only survivor." "That's not all that's happened to you is it?" "Wow Hajime your so smart! But no that isn't the only thing that's happened to me, In middle school I was kidnapped by a serial killer but was let go after my kidnapper found out no one cared enough to pay the ransom but my luck sorta turned around because I found a winning lottery ticket but I didn't care much for it considering my family was rich when I was born." "No tell me the rest of what happened there's gotta be something else I know it." Nagito sighed and almost started to cry. "Well I'm dying from Frontotemporal Dementia and Lymphoma.I was expected to live six months to a year but my luck was ok my side so all I can really do is believe in hope" Nagito smiled. "That it" Hajime on the other hand couldn't help but cry. "H-Hajime I'm sorry did my story bore you?!" "No I just didn't know what all you had to handle everyday and we all make fun of you and are so rude to you" "I'm trash so there's no real reason to care for me" "God dammit Nagito just stop calling yourself trash and useless!" "I'm sorry is there different words that could describe a lowlife like me?" Chiaki who was standing at the doorway ran to Nagito and hugged him from behind while Hajime hugged him from the other side. *Gamer girl doesn't die in the real world in this 😎* Nagito smiled embracing the care he was getting. They all got each other to stop crying and decided to go down and watch the tide at the beach. All three of them ran around collected seashells saved Nagito from getting pinched by a crab saved Chiaki from angry birds and watched Hajime fall into the water only causing him to drag them in. They became closer as friends and before you knew it they had spent the entire day joking around at the different islands,Chiaki even gave Nagito her hair clip fore even more good luck. They were sitting in the hotel's Restaurant eating ice cream when they herd their friends. "Nagito!" "Chiaki!" "Hajime!" They went outside the find there friends all scattered around. "Oh there you three are!" Everyone ran to them. "Sorry you two had to stay with Nagito." "We actually learned a lot of good things about him, most sad things but it was fine" "He's actually really nice to be around" "Wait sad things?" "Hey it's up to Nagito to tell you guys if it's enough to make Chiaki stop playing her games and cry it's definitely going to make Kazuichi cry" "Come on Nagito how sad could it be tell us!" Everyone else agreed with Hiyoko. Nagito only smiled then began to tell them about his tragic life. And as expected they were crying. "He's going through all that and we make fun of him!" "We're terrible people!" "There's no need to feel bad about yourselves over me" "Was he always this wholesome?!" Kazuichi was the first person that actually said something different to him. "Hey Nagito if you even want to hang out I'm free, all the time" Kazuichi placed his hand on Nagito's shoulder and smiled. "Thanks Kazuichi" Nagito looked over at Hajime who was obviously jealous. "I just remembered I have to tell Nagito something we'll be back." Hajime grabbed Nagito's hand and quickly left the group and went to his cottage. "You don't like Kazuichi more than me do you?" "Hajime you're my boyfriend of course I don't" "You smiled at him!" "Hajime he was being kind don't think too much of it okay?" Hajime kissed Nagito then hugged him. "You're mine and if Kazuichi touches you like that again I'll kill him." Nagito's eyes widened. "Oh okay" They both walked back to their friends. "That was short what did you even tell him?" "It's a secret that no one gets to know." Chiaki shot a glare at the two males. "Chiaki will be later later and not because I'm mildly terrified of her." Without noticing Magito had wandered away from the group he dint get too far he only went over to the plants and examined the plants. The others had left so they could get ready and Hajime walked over to Nagito. "Hey you wanna go see if the market has any costumes?" "Why would a market have costumes?" "Well it has night vision goggles so it wouldn't hurt to look" Nagito stood up. "Could we go later?" "You're tired aren't you" Nagito nodded. "Go rest in my cottage I'll go get us costumes" Nagito nodded and the two split up.
"Hajime me you and Nagito could do the classic Halloween monsters!" "Halloween monsters?" "Ya A witch a vampire and a wolf" The two went back and fourth like siblings then came to an agreement. Chiaki agreed on taking the costumes to her cottage so Hajime could get Nagito. The second he entered his cottage he could see a lump under his blanket. He lifted it to see Nagito resting peacefully he was too cute Hajime couldn't wake him and it was ok 6pm the party didn't start until ten pm. Hajime just decided to go to sleep with Nagito and of course he was a bit nervous they'd never slept in the same bed before.
*Time skip two hours and forty five minutes*
This is their costumes but Chiaki doesn't have the gloves on

 *Time skip two hours and forty five minutes*  This is their costumes but Chiaki doesn't have the gloves on

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As Nagito began to wake up he felt arms wrapped around him and a leg in between his. He quickly noticed it was Hajime and blushed. Even though he really said wanted to get up he decided not to move and disrupt the sleeping Hajime. Staying like that for so long caused him to fall asleep again.
*TIME SKIP ten minutes*
Both males were woken up by a knock on the door they got up and answered it to see Chiaki standing there smiling. "Hurry and come to my cottage you two need to get ready and quick!" Before the boys could respond Chiaki quickly ran off.
CHIAKI'S POV*if you don't like the idea of Chiaki and Nagito being like siblings then you might wanna skip this part*
While running back to her Cottage she bumped into Kazuichi. "Oh Sorry Kazuichi" "it's alright what were you running so fast for?" "I have to be quick to get back to my cottage could you carry this box into my bathroom for me?" "Uh sure" As they were walking together and finally got to her cottage Chiaki broke the silence. "Do you think Nagito thinks of me as a little sister?" "I'm sure he does he looks after you and cares for you as if you were" "You don't think he only does it for Hajime do you? "Well he's acts the same way towards you without Hajime being around so I'd say he does care about you" Kazuichi was finished at Chiaki smiled and hugged him. "Thanks Kazuichi!" Kazuichi was obviously blushing. "N-No problem hehe." He left her cabin only for Nagito and Hajime to enter shortly after. "Finally you two are here!" "Sorry we took so long Hajime lost his other shoe" Chiaki snapped out of thought. "Whatever let's hurry I wanna do Nagito first!" "Why not Hajime?" "Well because you're my brother" "I am?" "Yup!" Chiaki smiled and Nagito sat in the chair in front of Chiaki's mirror.
*TIME SKIP ONE HOUR* "Oh god we better hurry" The three left Chiaki's cottage and began walking to the hotels old building. "Hey Chiaki why would you want me of all people to be your brother?" "Hey would you look at that it's Hiyoko!"

Since it's so late imma just do a little summary of the rest
They all had fun jokes around *drinked a bit as well* Hajime and Nagito get drunk and go back to Hajime's cottage and we'll you come up with the rest of what happens.

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