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(Okay so that photo isn't even Danganronpa related but it's a cute image of Todoroki)
We all went over to see Nagito crying and to their surprise Sonia back to normal. "Oh my why does my head feel all upside down ?💎" "It may sound weird but you got turned into a toddler like Nagito.🎮" They all looked down and to their surprise Nagito was gone... Really you couldn't come up with anything else (fuck off hajime) It's true.(Anyyywayyy) "I'll go looking for him he doesn't really go anywhere.🦔" The first place Hajime looked was His Cabin since that's the main place he's at but Nagito wasn't there. So he looked in Nagito's cabin but no Nagito. It took Hajime a while but he eventually came to a realization that Nagito probably remembered everyone else's cabins and went to Hiyoko since Nagito loves candy. "Huh? Oh what do you want Hajime?👘" "Oh well I was wondering if Nagito came here." "Nope if he did I would've went to find you.👘" And just like that Hiyoko's door was in he face. After asking everyone else he remembered the place Nagito was always at the old building. Surly enough once Hajime walked into the hallway Nagito ran to him crying. "Nagito please stop running away." Nagito held his finger up to Hajime. Why did he do that? well Because there's a deep cut in his finger (trust me that is not a good feeling I'll do a story after this chapter ) "It hurts Haji!~🍀" (okay don't hate but what if Hajime passes out at the sight of blood and becomes Kamakura) Hajime fell to the floor making Nagito cry more but when he woke up it calmed Nagito down a bit.
"Huh? Nagito why are you a kid?🔪"(dats kamakura) Nagito could recognize him and held up his finger. Izuru sighed then picked up Nagito and went looking for someone. "Nagito where is everyone else" "Hm beach.🍀" Izuru started to go to the beach and wasn't greeted how he would expect "What did you do with Hajime!🎸" Chiaki sighed "Ibuki remember that's what happens to Hajime when he sees blood.🎮" "Oh right. Sorry Izuru.🎸" Izuru looked at Mikan. "You can help him right?🔪" "W-What does he need help with?🩹" Izuru showed Mikan Nagito's finger (ah shit my phone changed finger to fingering and I died" "I-I definitely can f-follow me!" Mikan went to the nurse/doctors office and the others followed. "Izuru you'll need to sit with him he hates the sight of needles and he's gonna need stitches.🩹" Nagito looked up at Izuru. Izuru looked away and sat down with Nagito. Mikan began to clean Nagito's finger which made him cry due to the sting and made everyone a bit sadish because they new that there was gonna be a lot of screaming and crying. After that mess Mikan decided to put some gel shit that made Nagito's finger nub to try and take away the pain and began to stitch his finger. (just played the game and remembered it was the called THE FUCKING RESTAURANT AND THAT WAS MY FIRST GUESS BUT NOOOO MY DUMBASS) *sorry about that* Rage much (Hell no not this shit again) Once that monstrosity was over Nagito was asleep and as they were walking to the Hotel Restaurant and before they could even get halfway there they get stopped. "Hey I thought you said you wouldn't come back and take over Hajime's body!🔫" "Listen kid I don't choose when Hajime see's blood and when he doesn't but he'll be back tomorrow.🔪" "Also try not to yell Nagito's asleep.🎮" They continued to walk until they made it there and since Nagito ran to the seat he sits at with Hajime Izuru knew to sit next to him. Everyone was talking but all Kamakura did was watch them. "Izuru apple?🍀" "Kamakura looked down at the tiny child next to him and gave him the apple that was on his plate. "Hey Kamakura aren't you going to say something or are you planing to kill someone?🐶" (I have no idea how gundham talks that much?) "Woah there chill out some Gundham. But really why aren't you talking?🔧" "I don't have any intention to talk to any of you at the moment, sorry?🔪" Nagito climbed onto Kamakura's lap and sat down trying to grab more things off of the table. Kamakura sighed and picked up Nagito then began to leave. "Where are you going man?🔧" "I'm putting him to sleep, once I find Hajime's cottage🔪" Kamakura mumbled the last part then left. Once he did find Hajime's cottage Nagito showed him where his pajamas were so Kamakura could put them on him. Once they both finished changing they fell asleep.
I woke up at three in the morning to the movement of something next to me and saw Nagito moving around like a worm. It was extremely hot in my room so I opened a window a bit and when I turned around there was a little Nagito starring at me crying a bit. "My finger hurts haji~🍀" I went over to look at his finger to see that he had gotten stitches I looked away and went over to my dresser to see if there was something I could wrap his hand with there was a note.

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