You do?

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"You guys actually care about me?🍀" "Oh course we do well maybe not Hiyoko.🔧" "Hey! I care about everyone but stinky Mikan!👘" "Why are you so mean to me~!🩹" "Hey Nagito can I talk to you at my cottage?🦔" Nagito looked up at Hajime with a smile that made Hajime blush a bit "Sure.🍀" Nagito and Hajime walk off. "O-Oh that reminds me Ibuki needs to talk to Sonia as well!🎸" "Oh okay! We can talk in my cottage.💎" Ibuki and Sonia then walked off.
We finally make it to Sonia's cottage. "What did you want to talk about?💎" "Mm well... I sorta have a crush on you.🎸" "Oh? Is that what you wanted to talk about Ibuki?💎" "Yup Ibuki is a bit embarrassed now.🎸" "It's okay don't be, I like you too Ibuki.💎" "Y-You do?!🎸" "Yes you're a very kind and funny person.💎" (I think you all know what will happen so time for the other twin)
Once we get to Hajime's cottage a day on the bed. "What did yo-.🍀"(👁👄➖ wink wink) Before Nagito could finish talking Hajime had kissed him. After a while they had stopped kissing. "Nagito I'm sorry I wasn't thinking!🦔" Nagito chuckled "It's fine Hajime.🍀" "It's just that before you got turned into a child I was going to confess my feelings for you but I couldn't because it would be weird if I confessed my feelings for a child but basically what I'm trying to say is.. will you be my boyfriend?🦔" "Sure why note.🍀" Nagito had smiled that only made Hajime blush more.
While Nagito and Hajime were walking they saw Ibuki and Sonia holding hands. "Oh hey sis!🍀" "Hey Nagito!💎" "What were you two doing?🦔" "We could ask you two the same.💎" Sonia pointed at the two boys hands. They looked at each then let go of the other ones hand. "N-Nothing we didn't even know that happened.🦔" "Ibuki thinks something happened between you two.🎸" "Well it's obvious that something happened between you two as well because you're also holding hands.🍀" "Oh Oh can I tell them Sonia!?🎸" "Of course you're can.💎" "Me and Sonia are dating now!🎸" "Wow that's amazing Sonia!🍀" "So what's your reason for holding hands?💎" "Well the same reason really.🦔"

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