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  (Disclaimer I don't own any characters or images)
After the beach everyone went back to their cottages to change (also hajime was lazy and put Nagito in his pajamas)then back to hotel diner to eat but someone was missing. "Haji where's Sona?🍀" "Ibuki wonders where Sonia is too.🎸" "Ill take Nagito with me to go see if she's in her cottage.🦔"  Hajime took Nagito and went to Sonia's cottage to find her the same size as Nagito and the floor. Hajime put Nagito down. "Sona! Sona!🍀" "Nagi!💎" Sonia ran to Nagito and hugged him. It was hard but Hajime picked up both Sonia and Nagito and went back to the hotel diner. "Guys there's a bit of a problem!🦔" "Holy shit Sonia's a baby too! 🔫" After hearing what Fuyuhiko said Sonia and Nagito both repeated after him "Shit!💎🍀" "Oh great now she's coping Fuyuhiko too.🎀" "Ow stop pulling my hair, Ibuki can you get Sonia?🦔" Ibuki went over and took Sonia over to her seat and Hajime did the same with Nagito. "Okay so now we have two kids and they're twins at that.🔌" "The only way we can tell them apart is their height and hair length.👘" "We should figure out who's doing this.🦔" Hajime noticed Nagito reaching for his apple and handed it to him. "We should figure out who Sonia is going to stay with until she's normal.🍖" "I think she should stay with Ibuki they seem to be close and I don't think she should stay with one of the boys.🔧" "That's actually a good idea Kazuichi.🐶" "Okay so that's settled.🎮" Hajime looked to the side of him only to see that Nagito was gone. "Huh where'd Nagito go?🦔" "Oh! Sonia is gone too!🎸"Everyone went quite and heard laughing come from under the table. "They went underneath the table?🐶" "Nagito don't go under the table come here.🦔" Nagito looked at Hajime and went back to him with Sonia. "What were you two doing?🦔" "Nagi had shells!💎" "See haji look!🍀" Nagito held up some colorful shells and hajime picked him up. "From the beach hajj I still have them.🍀" Sonia went back over to Ibuki and Nagito laid his head on Hajime's shoulder and Sonia did the same with Ibuki. After a while of everyone talking and joking they all went to the cottages so they wouldn't get in trouble with monokuma. (oh and uh he's gonna you know not be a bear in this)
He decided to put Nagito on the bed so he could take a shower. After at least 10 minutes he could hear Nagito screaming so he got dressed then went out to check up on him. The second Nagito saw Hajime he ran to him. "Haji!~" "Nagito what's the matter?" "I- I had a bad dream.~" Hajime picked up Nagito "It's okay it wasn't real." Hajime laid down with Nagito and tried to get him to stop crying. Eventually he did and they all went to sleep.
Everyone did their normal morning routine. Except Ibuki and Hajime got the twins dressed then they all went to the hotel diner.
"Okay no one else is a baby right?📸" "Where is Hiyoko?🔧" Everyone shrugged then Hiyoko came running in. "I had troubles tying my kimono.👘" Everyone sighed. Hajime gave Nagito and apple so he would stop grabbing things off of the table. "I see watching Nagito is a bit tricky.🎸" "Well he does like grabbing everything he sees so I have to give him something that will occupied him for a long time.🦔" "Weird Sonia is the complete opposite, She stays quiet and only plays with things you give her.🎸" Ibuki then gave Sonia a strawberry. "Hajime if Nagito is too much to handle we could give you a break from him🎮" "I don't know he's always reaching for things and running off of you do or say the wrong thing to him.🦔" Nagito pulled on Hajime's finger "Haji flowers!🍀" Hajime picked up Nagito. "I'll see you guys later" Hajime took Nagito outside to play with the flowers. After a while Ibuki,Chiaki, And Mikan joined him with Sonia. "How's it going with Nagito?🎮" "It's fine I still want to find out more things about him.🦔" "L-Like what?🩹" "Well more about his life after his parents died and how long has Nagito and Sonia know they were twins and-🦔" "Hajime calm down I'm sure he'd love t-to tell you once he's back to normal.🩹"  "I know but he's just so different then when he was older.🦔"  Nagito and Sonia ran over to them smiling "Flowers!🍀💎" Hajime and Chiaki laughed "That's one thing they have in common,Their love for flowers.🎮" Nagito and Sonia went back to playing bit of course something bad happened because they could hear one of them crying so they all went to go see what happened but they didn't expect what they saw.

Sorry if the one was short I need some sleep because I won't stop being dumb :word count 843

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