Fifth Island

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Once Nagito and Sonia made it to the fifth island she took him to the military base. "Why did you bring me here?" "Because it is the last place anyone would come" "Huh? Why wouldn't you want anything to come here?" "Because I do not want anyone to interrupt us talking" 'I guess that isn't weird' "Okay" Sonia and Nagito sat behind a truck and caught each other up on everything"
"H-Hajime are you okay?" "Ya,why do you ask?" "You're paler than y-you normally are" "I'm fine,I'm just gonna go lay down for a while" As Hajime walked off Chiaki looked at him worried. "I'm gonna go with him somethings off" Chiaki went after Hajime. "Hajime are you feeling sick or something?" "It's just a headache I'll be fine" "Do you think something happened to kamakura and since he's technically another you he's pain is being transferred to you" "Why would Kamakura be hurt?" "He and Mukuro sorta had a fight" "Hm I guess that could be a possible reason then"
"Hey Nagito do you remember anything from before we came to this island?" "Besides Makoto and the others not much it's been a while" "Well I do, well sorta. One time you came a visited me and well my adopted parents gave you a crown since you technically were a prince" "Wow they'd give me of all people a crown?" "Because they care about you a lot now that they know and since I had a feeling you wouldn't remember to call me and ask for it I brought it will some of my things. Come on it's in my cottage!" Sonia pulled Nagito to her cottage to see Chiaki and Hajime walking into the cottage area as well. "Sonia Nagito!" "Hello Chiaki"Hajime looked at Nagito worried. "Hajime what's wrong?" "Nagito there's kind of a squirrel in your hair." "How did he not attack you?" "I guess I got Lucky" "Thats some luck, but how will you get him out of your hair?" Nagito walked out of the hotel area then came back with a few scratches on his face but no squirrel in his hair. Yes the squirrel attacked him. "Nagito your face!" Hajime looked at his weirdly lucky boyfriend confused. "How the hell did you not scream?" "It wasn't as painful as you would think anyway Sonia you wanna go to your cottage now?" "Sure Chiaki and Hajime can come with us if they'd like" "I was going to take a nap but sure" They all looked at Chiaki who was suddenly playing a video game without looking up from her game Chiaki agreed to tag along. They all followed Sonia to her Cottage. "Okay Nagito here" Sonia handed Nagito a box and pushed him into her bathroom. Sonia went back to Hajime and Chiaki and saw Ibuki and Mikan walk past and invited them in. Chiaki saw Mikan walk in and hugged her. "Wha- Chiaki?!" "Ooo is this a thing couples do?!" Ibuki hugged Sonia leaving Hajime the lonely man that he is.
Nagito came out to the girls hugging and Hajime sitting on the floor lonely. Nagito sat next to Hajime. "What are they doing?" Hajime looked at Nagito and was speechless. "Wow you look" The girls looked over at them. "Wow Nagito!" Nagito stood up with Hajime. "You look very different" Nagito looked at Hajime. "That's a good thing right?" Hajime looked at Nagito and smiled. "Yes Nagito,that's a good thing." "Oh one last thing Nagito!" Sonia went into her closet then put the crown on Nagito's head. "Ooo Sonia Ibuki has an idea!" "What is it Ibuki?" "You can wear your princess outfit then if Mahiru wants to she can take pictures of you two!" "W-Wow Ibuki that's a good idea" "You guys should ask Mahiru first" Ibuki quickly ran out than came back with Mahiru while Sonia changed. "Ibuki told me I were here to take pictures!" Sonia came out of the bathroom "Ibuki you can tell her your idea". Ibuki smiled, "You can take pictures of Nagito and Sonia in their fancy royal outfits!" "That's an amazing idea!" They all followed Mahiru around the place and took a few photos until it began to get dark. After Sonia and Nagito changed they all walked to the hotel diner then the little tv thing turned on. "How the hell does this thing work?!" "Junko... it's on" "Oh, I hope you guys had fun with the little royal twins because times up in one hour they'll be babies! Oh and Hajime you can only switch to kamakura once these three months, bye!" *Nessa sharted I'm sorry Idk why I put that* "She's a pain" Everone looked at Nagito as he kept walking. "Well are you guys gonna come or you just gonna stand there?" Hajime ran to Nagito and held his hand. "Nagito are you mad all of a sudden?" "No I just don't see any reason to be sad or anything we'll still be the same just shorted" "Nagito is right, just because we're going to be kids doesn't mean anything else about us is going to change" They all tried to smiled then walked to the rest of their friends.
"Hey took you guys long enough!" "Shut up Fuyuhiko they said they were gonna be alone the whole day!" Fuyuhiko sighed "I just got worried and thought that Junko bitch hurt them" Everyone sat down and began to eat.
*Time skip like 30 minuets*
Nagito went with Hajime to his cottage.
Nagito was laying on Hajime's bed throwing a ball while Hajime watched him. "Are we just gonna sit here for thirty minutes?" Nagito sat up and looked at Hajime. "I don't know what do want to do it's your cottage" "Are you sure you sure you wanna do what I want to do?" "Sure anything is fine with me really" Hajime pulled Nagito into a kiss because they've literally barely had any time alone because admin is dumb and now wants gay shit to happen. But of course after at least five minutes of them having fun someone knocks on the door. "Hajime,Nagito you guys up?!" Nagito was about to say something but Hajime covered his mouth. "I guess you aren't" Nagito moved Hajime's hand then kissed him again. This time it lasted MUCH longer.
let's just say they now share dna then went to sleep.

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