𝘐𝘤𝘦 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮.

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{ second person POV }

The night following was pretty casual. Just you doing your homework with (F/n). You both sat on your floor, working on your math homework while listening to something on the radio. It was an interview with an interspecies couple.

You weren't really paying attention to it, but you could tell that (F/n) had a lot to say about it. "You know, I've though a lot about these typa things. I would be a liar if I said that I haven't thought about dating a few cute rabbit boys..."

You looked up at her, tapping your pencil against the math exercise book in your hand. "Really? I thought you HATED interspecies relationships-! You always went on about how dangerous they were!"

She seemed to stop for a second, before sighing. "Yeah but now I realize that love is love, and isn't really a choice. You don't choose who to love, it just happens."

You giggled before looking back down at the book in your hand. ' people really do change, huh. ' You thought while scribbling down a few numbers.

{ The next day }

It was a normal day. Nothing super interesting. Well, not yet at least. It was only lunchtime. You still had a few more classes to go. Not that you complained though.

You sat with Legoshi and Haru at lunch, surprisingly keeping up a good conversation. About what? Butterflies, of course! Haru had her fair share of butterfly knowledge. Many visit her in the school garden!

Legoshi was silent but he too had some knowledge about the beautiful insects. You had PLENTY of knowledge! You grew up raising a lot of them as a kid. You had so many kinds!

While to you it wad just a childhood memory, Legoshi found it so..attractive? He loved bugs just as much as you did, but something made his heart flutter at the thought of raising butterflies with you.

He could imagine your face light up when the caterpillars started to hide away in their little cocoons. Or maybe when they emerged from their hiding to show off their beautiful wings. He would LOVE to see the excitement in your face as you watched the butterfly learn how to fly.

He was caught in his own fantasy. He didn't even realize that you and Haru had began laughing at him! He looked so cute and peaceful spaced out, but something was up! His tail has wagging, a light blush spread across his cheeks.

You smiled to yourself at the subconsciously cute actions of the gray wolf. What was he thinking about? It didn't matter. He seemed to be enlightened. Which made him all the more cute!

"Hey, you two love animals!" Haru cackled out, catching you both off guard. "Now you both are spaced out! Man, you're both extremely hard at hiding your crushes!"

Legoshi looked away, ears dropping. You, deciding not to look suspicious, just laughed. "Nah, i'm just dreaming about the ice cream I'll be getting after school!"

Haru shooked her head. "Really? Without inviting me?" You looked at her and shrugged. "Right..you wanna come with?"

Haru shook her head once again. "Nah, that was a joke. I'm busy tonight. Unless you'll bring me something back?"

You smirked. "Hell yeah! Legoshi, you wanna tag along? or do you want me to bring something back for you?"

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