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_[A week later]_

A week had passed, and your schedule went back to normal. Visiting the clubs, helping teachers, hanging out with Legoshi...the usual.

But, there was some bustle going on. The upcoming play. Adler.

Of course, you were excited. you had pledged to Louis to limit your distractions and only visit for useful things.

So, you stayed mostly backstage with the prop makers,costume makers,and everybody else on decorating duty.

"Oh, it seems like we need to pick up flowers." A boy in the group said, lifting up a sketch of the door design.

"Hmm, how about Legoshi goes to get them? (Y/n) can help!" He said, looking up with a slight smile.

"Alright!" You smiled, jumping up to your feet and holding a hand out for Legoshi, who was still sitting.

He nervously took it, his hand being significantly bigger then yours.

You took the sketch with an estimate of needed flowers with you to the gardening club.

Legoshi nervously stood at the entrance to the garden on the roof, while you shouted for assistance.

"Hey! anyone here? its the drama club!" You shouted shamelessly, the rolled up blueprints under your arm as you cupped your hands around your mouth.

In a matter of seconds, a small dwarf rabbit had made her way over to assit you both.

"Ah! Youre here for the flowers? Come on in!" She smiled, letting you both into the garden.

"woah! its fabulous! did you do this?" You gasped, taking in the colorful display.

"I did...as you can tell im the only one in the club.." She giggled, leading you and Legoshi to the red blossoms you had needed.

"Here you go! But, i cant just give away all my hard work. Can you move these plants over there for more sunlight?" The rabbit asked, getting straight to the point.

"Of course!" You smiled, doing a salute to her and immediately getting into the job while Legoshi awkwardly followed.

The white rabbit made her way into the shed placed on the roof, deciding to wait there.

As you helped Legoshi carry the flowers, you had noticed he was getting dangerously close to knocking over a few flowers.

"Legoshi!" You gasped, setting your plant down and wlakkng behind him, grabbing his tail and threading it through his suspenders.

He blushed slightly at the contact, not moving for the entire duration of you securing his tail down.

After a few more plants you stopped, wiping some sweat from your forehead.

"Legoshi, please go ask the president of this club about how many roses we can take." You intrusted.

He followed the orders as you moved the final two plants into the sunlight.

Legoshi entered through the sliding doors to see the rabbit sitting down at a desk.

"h-hey.." He awkwardly smiled, getting the attention of the small girl in front of him.

"oh! Hey! sit down!" She smiled, turning to face him as he sat down.

"i want to reward you...but how?"

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