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After my forced dinner with Legoshi, I headed to my dorm. I walked in and took off my shoes, sighing with happiness.

"Did you kill him?" (F/n) asked in a serious tone, looking down at her phone with a bored face.

I shook my head and walked over to the desk I was chilling at earlier, sitting down. "I spared him."

(F/n) snickered and shut her phone off, sitting up on her bed to face me with a grin. "Or was it because hes a track runner?"

My smile dropped as I looked at the teasing girl with a cliche anime urk mark on my head. "Do NOT go there, (F/n)."

She shook her head and giggled. "Uh-huh, did you bring my any food..? Dont think i dont smell the (f/f) scent radiating off you.

"Of course!" My smile was quickly back as I pulled a sandwich out of supposedly no where.

(F/n) took it from me and unwrapped the white cloth, picking up the peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

I made her dinner myself since she refused to eat what was on the menu this week.

She took a big bite of her food, humming as if to say 'thank you'. I gave her a nod back and went back to my science paper.

_[5:30 am]_

I sat up in bed, dying of hyperthermia. It was hella cold in the room and my blanket was not cutting it.

I looked over to (F/n)s bed, seeing she was still peacefully asleep. Since I was the only one awake and it was still early, I thought I could get a shower in.

I got my uniform ready and slipped on some slippers, making my way towards the door.

I opened it slowly, cringing at the slight creaking noises. Once I was sure (F/n) didn't wake up, I left the room.

I waddled down the hallway, shivering slightly as I approached the bathroom.

As soon as I got into the bathroom I headed straight towards the shower, turning the water on to steaming hot.

After a little while of waiting, I undressed and got into the shower. I took my time to thoroughly wash my fur.

Only a few minutes after getting in, I shut off the warm water and reached for my towel outside of the shower.

It was so cold I swear I could've started crying. I quickly wrapped the towel around my body and hurried up to dry off and get dressed.

_[like five minutes later]_

I closed the loud door behind me as I walked into the room slowly, seeing that (F/n) was still asleep.

I set my pajamas in a hamper and walked over to (F/n) shaking her slightly.

"Hey, get up. It's six am." I whispered in her ear. She grumbled in response and turned away from me.

"Uh-huh." I squinted at her and placed both hands in the middle if her blanket. With all my might, I gripped onto the sheets and threw the blanket onto the floor.

(F/n) squeaked, sitting up quickly and facing me with a betrayed face. "You wanna play, huh?"

"Nah, I just needed you to wake up." I said, kicking the blanket behind me so (F/n) couldnt reach it.

"Oh..you didn't.." (F/n) squinted back at me before pouncing off her bed, wrapping her legs around me and using her hands to poke my sides.

"Hah- youll- never get a- haH- reaction!" I tried to contain my laughter, but it just caused tears.

"O-okay babs. Let's fucking tussle." I backed up a bit before reaching the drawer (F/n) keeps her clothes in.

I opened the first drawer and pulled out her uniform. "Heheh..." I evily giggled before struggling to pull (F/n)s top off.

_[9:45 am]_

The entire morning I had fought (F/n). I had to dress her myself and deflect her tickles at the same time.

It worked, and we finally got into school. Well, the mood fell extremely far.

Everything was normal until everyone was called into the gymnasium.

Turns out, Tem had been killed. His mauled body was found only this morning, and it was still fresh.

That had indicated that Tems death happened only last night or early this morning.

It was extremely sad for everyone, especially me. He was so nice. I loved talking to him when I had the chance.

The rest of the school day I spent crying silently. At lunch, I didn't feel like eating the soup I was given. It hurt to eat anything.

I didn't even show up in the drama club room. Everyone had to of been upset and understood why I wasn't there.

Right after the last bell rung, I went straight to my dorm and cried everything I had been holding in all day with (F/n).

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