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_[ 3 days later]_

Finally, it was the play day.

Recently, a lot has happened. I was kidnapped,I was pushed down the stairs, and i now cannot stop thinking about how Legoshi treats me.

The way he treats me gives me butterflies. He's so nice, and risks himself for me. I know he's a badass on the inside.

But enough about him, the play is today. Boy, was everybody nervous as hell.

I stood next to Sheila as i fixed the back of her dress and smoothed out a few wrinkles. "Okay! You're good!"

"Thank you, (Y/n)! You're the best!" She gave me a toothy smile and a thumbs up as she ran to the other actors.

I nodded, returning the smile. "Of course, Sheila."

I looked around for Louis, but i didn't find him.  "Huh. He must still be changing..."

I ran towards the stairs that led up to the over stage bridge. Legoshi was working on a light.

"Legoshi!" I whisper-yelled. He looked at me, a small red blush on his face.

"(y-y/n)? shouldn't you be...you know..with the cast..?" He whisper-yelled back.

"Yeah, but i wanted to tell you that you'll do amazing! Work them lights, king!" I replied before giving him a small thumbs up and running back down to backstage.

_[Third person pov]_

The play was on in five, and Louis was still no where to be seen. Little did anyone know, he was just behind a curtain, looking at his swollen ankle.

He looked down at it with an angry face, mixed emotions about how his performance will be effected flooded his mind.

His thoughts were cut short when he realized that he had to get his ass on stage.

So, he put his shoe back on and fixed himself up before making his way back to the main backstage area.

Louis had time to waste, and a point to get across, so que his empowering speech towards the cast of Adler.

Now, it was time for Louis to make an entrance. So, he did just that. Running onto the stage with such power and confidence. A real manly man.

(Y/n) stood next to Sanu, giving everybody a smile and encouraging quote that she made up on the spot.

Bill snuck up behind (Y/n) and scared the living shit out of her by grasping her shoulders and whispering into her ear.

"I think i make a pretty damn good villain~"

(Y/n) gasped loudly, startling Sanu as she turned around to face the tiger.

"How's my costume?" He laughed, posing like a male model, making the feline sigh.

"You look great Bill! Really intimidating. If you whispered like that into a fucking microphone, i bet everybody would really fear you. Actor or not..."

He just shook his head with a chuckle, placing his big hand on her head. "Calm it, chica. It was just a question~"

(Y/n) shook her head and looked away, an upset pout on my face. "Go get ready to beat some deer ass."

"You got it." Bill smiled, adjusting his hat and making his way to the stage. "Wish me luck, lil mama."


_[Legoshis mind]_

Bill was too close for comfort. My territorial instinct was kicking in.

Bill was getting too suggestive towards her. Back off.

She doesn't love me back. She's just doing her job around here.

But that doesn't mean i wont fight for her full love.

Platonic or romantic. i want it. head pats. conversation. cuddles.

She doesn't like those nicknames. Too sudden. Bill, leave her be.

Oh shit. Louis.

_[Y/n's POV]_

Louis had collapsed right after the curtains closed, scaring everybody back stage.

"Louis!" Els gasped, running on stage.

Others followed. It was hard to hear the panic over all the cheering.

"Louis!" I exclaimed, running towards him as well.

I dropped to my knees,shaking him. He was exhausted...poor thing.

"We need to get him into the nurses office." I said to Sanu, who had taken his sweet ass time getting to Louis.

"Right. You guys carry him, ill get the nurse."

So, we hurried up to get Louis the medical attention he needed.

I knew something was wrong. He was limping.

I struggled to help lift Louis. I wasn't that strong.

Suddenly, the weight left my hands. I saw a shadow cast over me.

The studio lights were perfectly adjusted.

In the dramatic lighting, i could see Legoshi. "Ive got him, (Y/n). Go with Sanu."

I couldn't look away from his well lit face, a serious expression plastered onto his features.

He looked so fucking godly, i swear.

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