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(Y/n) opened the door that led to her favorite club room, white box in hand as she made her way into the Drama club.

As expected, everyone was hard at work. (Y/n) took her time to watch each and every animal rehearse their part.

After a few moments of waiting around, (Y/n) set the box down on a nearby chair and spoke up.

"Louis!" She smiled sweetly, getting the attention of the male.

"(Y/n)..." He replied with an annoyed tone, walking over to the cat who had walked in.

"I brought everyone some cookies! I was lucky enough to get permission to bake them myself..." (Y/n) pointed to the white box.

"You really have to stop coming in here...everyone here can take care of themselves..." Louis angrily stated.

"I know that...but everyone works so hard and deserves the treat!" (Y/n) ended the small talk and picked up the box, walking past Louis.

"(Y/n)!" A mix of female and male voices cheered, all knowing the routine.

The carnivores and herbivores made their way to the (favorite natural color) feline, cheering as if this was a first.

Nope. It was every day. (Y/n) cared for the entire drama club, and sometimes other clubs, but mostly drama.

She was known as a mother figure, and yes, people did in fact call her mom. Not in a weird way, but more in a comforting and trusting way.

Everyone came to her for advice. How to come out, how to ask you crush out, what to do when you fail a final, etc.

(Y/n) didn't mind, she was there for everyone. Even the rudest people. Even Mizuchi.

(Y/n) watched as everyone came and collected their cookie, taking big bites and complementing the sweet.

As soon as almost the entire box was empty, (Y/n) made her way to Louis.

Louis stood away from the crowd, arms crossed and brows furrowed. He didn't seem to notice the omnivore.

"Louisss! I baked extra! You want one?" (Y/n) asked, lightly tilting the box for Louis to look into.

Louis looked down at (Y/n), scowl on his face. "How many times will I have to make it clear that I dont want your dumb sweets?"

(Y/n) wasnt phased by the rude attitude, and just giggled. "Alright, I'll save it just incase you change your mind!"

Louis shoo'd (Y/n) away with his hand, looking the opposite direction. (Y/n) walked off and gave the stubborn man his space.

Now, two cookies left. One is reserved. The other one belonged to a specific wolf.

(Y/n) made her way to the stairs leading to above the stage, spotting the anti-social grey wolf.

"Legoshi!" (Y/n) smiled as she stood infront of him, lowering the box so he could claim his cookie.

"(Y/n)... uh..thanks." Legoshi removed his chin from the palm of his hand and took his cookie.

"You still seem down, what's up?" The shorter girl asked, sitting next to Legoshi and setting the box on her lap.

"Nothing...just.." Legoshi set his gaze to Els, who was happily conversating with Tem.

"Hmm...are you on bad terms with Els or Tem? Or you just jealous?" (Y/n) asked, making Legoshi jump.

"Nonono it's not like that! Its...it's just...nevermind. J-just overthinking ahah..." Legoshi awkwardly looked around the room, taking a big bite of his cookie.

"No, I fail to believe your just overthinking! What's upppp-?" (Y/n) was cut off by Louis stomping over to infront of her.

"Okay, (Y/n). You've done your duty, now get out. We need to rehearse and your a distraction!" He crossed his arms.

"Louis! You know I've just got here!" The girl imitated his gesture of annoyance, making him audibly groan.

He snatched the girl up by her uniform tie, standing her up, and then grabbed her tail.

Ignoring all the whines of discomfort, Louis dragged the girl across the floor until her reached the club door.

Swinging it open, he slid the girl right out of the room and closed the door, leaving the girl alone in the hallway.

"Haha, classic Louis!" (Y/n) brushed off the dust from her uniform and got up, making her way to the next club.

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