Perfect date. Perfect you.

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Chapter 8

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Luke had never felt so calm his whole life. He was on a date with Louisa and he felt no anxiety. Because some part of him knew Louisa would never judge him. She was too nice. And a major part of him felt guilty. She didn't deserve this. The plan was really working perfectly. Farrah was indeed jealous. She was now texting him on regular basis but his guilt made him stay away from her.

Their date was a like every other first date. Movies then dinner. And now just for the sake of romance they decided they'd walk home instead of hiring a taxi.

He couldn't help smiling while looking at her. She was wearing a white top and blue jeans and a light blue sweater. She was saying something but all he could do was observe her. She pushed her glasses up her nose a few times. He found that cute.

"Are you even listening to me?" She questioned.

He snapped out of her trance. And looked at her annoyed expression.


She huffed out her breath and walked away. He ran and caught her wrist.

"Wouldn't you want to know why I was distracted?" He asked her with a grin on his face.


"Because I was distracted by how pretty a certain someone is looking today."

And with that he pulled her closer. She looked flushed and she looked at his lips. He leaned down to kiss her.

"What the hell! Get off her!"

Both of them jumped back and they say a guy with binoculars got out of the house. They'd already reached her place? Time flies fast when he was with her.

"You two! One hand distance!"

It was Louisa's brother, Cayden, who pushed both of them apart. Well, Cayden was nineteen and was home from college.

"Hey buddy!" Luke greeted him.

"Don't hey buddy me. Just stay away from my sister!"

He looked at Louisa for some support but she was busy giggling.

"Go on. Go away now. Shoo!"

"Okay buddy. Bye." He said ruffling his hair and then aimed a bye at Louisa and walked back home.



The situation was so awkward inside the elevator she started whistling the elevator tune. His jaw was firm shut. He wasn't very happy to be the elevator as her. Cool! She wasn't happy too.

"Would you stop that!" He hissed at her.

She was instantly quiet. She let him suffer in silence. Why did she care?

And she got out first and drove home. At home Brad waited for her. She was happy, she jumped into his arms and kissed him.

Brad was so patient and she always put off sex with him. A pang of guilt zipped through her. She had slept with Luke. She had cheated on Brad.

Brad noticed it and asked her what was wrong. She just shrugged him off. She couldn't believe herself that she had cheated. That was the low. Brad would be so heart broken if he knew.

"What's wrong, babe?" Brad placed his palms on her shoulders.

"Nothing. I'm just tired..."

She walked away to her room and broke out in sobs. She wished she could tell him. It felt horrible to lie to him. She was drunk and it didn't mean anything to her. She just wished she could undo everything. Luke Devon didn't deserve to be her first time.

My Ex-Boyfriend, My Boss. (YourStoryIndia)Where stories live. Discover now