Say Something

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Luke yawned as he warmed some milk. He was just about to fall asleep when he heard the doorbell ring. Pouring the milk in a mug, he couldn't help but remember the way she stood there at the door. He added a small amount of cinnamon powder and stirred it with a spoon.

Yes, he had learned that from Sex and The City 2. Gloria made him watch it with her saying that it was the most chic movie. A small tinge evaded his heart.

He missed Gloria. Though he didn't love Gloria like he did Louisa, she was an important part of his life. She was with him when Louisa was not.

He picked up the mug and walked over to the bedroom. He knocked it twice. She opened the door wide. She was wearing one of his t-shirts and shorts which reached beneath her knees.

"Here!" He handed her the mug.

She took it and muttered a thank you. He yawned again.

"I'll be in that room across yours." He pointed his hand to the door of his bedroom. She just nodded in affirmation.

"Good Night." He said and turned to go to his bedroom.


He turned to look at her. "Thanks for not asking about details and really thanks for letting me stay. I'll go away tomorrow morning."

"You can stay as long as you want." He smiled at her. And for the first time in years she smiled back too.


And after Luke had left. Louisa sipped the milk. It tasted different. She saw brown specks floating on the top.

Is that cinnamon?

Sex and the City huh?

She smiled as she imagined Luke watching Sex and The City with Gloria. And that's when her smile dropped. He and Gloria were engaged. And she was the reason why they broke up.

The very room she was standing was evidence that she was a major part of his life. Why else would a bachelor need a two bedroom apartment? When she first entered his apartment, she saw the big picture that was framed on the wall. It was of them both.

Gloria had her arm over Luke and they both wore killer smiles.

Her heart tugged. It felt like it was breaking all over again. She then slipped under the covers and lay there thinking about the past.

The whole thought frustrated her. Her stomach grumbled. She got up from the bed and opened the door slowly. In the dark she saw a shadow moving. Her heart jumped upto her throat. She breathed out a sigh of relief as Luke switched on the lamp.

He then sat on the couch and kept looking at his phone. He then held the phone to his ear. Then after a few seconds she heard a beep.

Was he sending a voice mail?

And then he cleared all of her doubts,

"Hey... Gloria..."

Louisa's stomach dropped as she heard her name. So he was calling her...

"I.. I don't know what to say ok? I miss you. A lot! And you have no idea how much I regret sleeping with her. I love you. Please baby, I'm sorry..." He then sighed and ended the call.

Louisa felt as if someone had reached inside her chest and squeezed it. Tears rushed to her eyes. He really did love Gloria.

She quickly went inside the room and shut the door. Why was she hurting now? It had happened seven years ago! So why now?

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