Morning Sickness

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Luke had never felt this amazing his whole life. He could see the stars while kissing her. Her lips felt soft against his and he could just keep on kissing her for all of his life.

"I love you!"

He said in a dazy voice. Louisa's eyes grew to the size of golf balls when he said it. And then she pushed him back.

It was not the strength of her caused him to stumble back but the shock that registered his mind. He had said that he genuinely loved her and she pushed him away. Literally.

Luke watched as the rain poured and she kept on rubbing lips with the back of her hand. Was she so disgusted by him that she was doing that?

He heard the thunder boom. And with the crack of lightning his heart cracked too. Luke Devon had many a times been in such a situation where he did not know what to do. But this one was far more difficult than all of them.

He just stood erect like a pole. The rain was freezing his skull already. Just then, he saw head lights flashing. The tow truck had arrived. Without even glancing her way, he made a bee line to the truck.

Fortunately the man had a container full of gas. Luke paid him for the fuel and also for the tow charges even when the man refused.

After the man left, he opened the car door and sat inside. He watched her from the rear view mirror as she walked to the car and sat on the backseat.

Without even saying a word, he started the car and started driving. The only sound that filled up his ears were the pitter patter of the rain, the occasional thunder boom and the rhythmic sound of the swipers swiping.

He maintained his self control to look at the road. To only look at the road. But his self control flew out of the window as he heard her sniff. She wasn't too loud, it was just the atmosphere that was too silent.

He looked through the rear view mirror to see her shoulders shaking, sobs rocked her chest but she stifled all the sound by clamping her mouth shut with her palm. And at intervals she wiped away the tears that flowed down her cheeks with her sleeves.

Luke felt his heart breaking at the sight of her. There were too many questions buzzing her mind, did he take advantage of her by kissing her? Why didn't she say she loved him back? Does that mean she really doesn't love him at all?

His head started to ache because of all the questions buzzing around in his head. And after a few minutes he stepped on the brake. She just opened the car and ran away inside the house.

He sat there banging his head on the steering wheel, only to make the head ache worse.


Louisa couldn't stop sobbing from the moment she reached the house. It hurt her. The pain in her chest just grew. It was as if someone had pushed a shard of glass inside her.

He told her he loved her. And with that more tears flowed as she recalled his words again and again. It was just a game for him. She was just a way to get back together with Farrah.

Her thoughts ricocheted with Farrah's voice,

Just tell her you love her.

And he did. After the mind blowing kiss he said it. And he said it with such emotion, for a minute Louisa thought it was true. Then she remembered what had happened Monday at Farrah's house.

She thought he was different. Different from the jocks and the popular group. She anticipated that he was nice and kind. And good hearted.

But oh boy, was she wrong! He was a A1 Jerk. He took advantage of her. Made promises that didn't mean a thing to him. Even after she pushed him away he didn't say a word. Maybe he realised that she knew the truth or he was guilty because all of it was a lie.

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