Lights Camera Action!

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A/N: Guys please comment? I really would love to hear your views. Please? And 1.22 k views, are you guys kidding me? Damn ! Love all you and Thank You!



Louisa was on the verge of crying. And no, it wasn't happy tears 'cause Luke Devon had finally asked her out. It was tears of humiliation. She couldn't believe that Luke, whom she had thought was the nicest guy was also a jerk.

He frowned seeing her eyes well up in tears. In an instant Louisa felt anger towards him. Anger that how dare he thought she was weak. Just because she was a nerdy and mousy he thought he could get away with whatever he wanted.

She started hitting him with half of that French bread again. He yelled out a series of ow's. And he held her wrists.

"Will you stop that?"

She just glared at him through her glasses. Struggling she pulled her hands out of his grasp.

"Are you mad at me?"

She ignored him and kept walking towards the door.

"Okay, why are you mad?"

He kept on asking. She took long strides and when she reached the pavement he grabbed her elbow and pulled her back.

"Why are you so damn mad?"

From his face she knew that he was genuinely confused. But she knew all of that was an act. Or else why would Luke Devon ever be interested in her?

She was sure his friends were hiding in the bushes taping this and this must just be some stupid dare for him.

"Leave me." She said struggling from his grasp but he held on tighter.



"Not unless you tell me what's wrong!" He cried out.

"I'll scream if you don't let go!"

He pulled her close so that she fell on his chest.

"Fine by me."

"You jerk!" She hit his chest with her free hand. "Let me go!" She jerked at her hand. She huffed her breath and glared at him. Then she took a deep a deep breath and bit his hand. He let her go.

She quickly went inside and closed her door. Little did she know that Luke had stuck his hands inside attempting to stop her from closing the door.


Luke was terribly confused. Why she acted like that was a total enigma to him. Least he had expected was her to not say anything. She seems so quiet and mousy in school and she was actually a spitfire.

Luke felt himself smiling. She looked really cute when mad, like her nose crinkled and her lips would pout. He frowned as he found himself thinking about her. He was doing this for a bet, he reminded himself again. Why is it that he felt so concerned about her?



The party was amazing, Louisa thought. She really was having fun though Brad wasn't here.

"Well hello there beautiful!"

She jumped at the voice and turned around to look at David. He looked really good. His green eyes sparkled and his blonde tresses were pulled back .

"You look rather handsome too, Mr. Hartly."

"Call me David!" He winked. Louisa blushed.

Suddenly there was a commotion and all head turned towards the door. Louisa sucked in a breath as Luke entered. He looked utterly ravishing under the lights of the chandelier. She was busily checking him out as a shrill laughter cut her thoughts, that's when she noticed the enticing blonde in his arms.

My Ex-Boyfriend, My Boss. (YourStoryIndia)Where stories live. Discover now