Last Resort

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A/N: Guys, please comment. Like some times I don't know stuff. I'm still an amateur writer so if you guys think I can improve then please do say so.

And it's a little disappointing, this story has 500 views per chapter but hardly anyone comments.

And you guys have no idea how much I love it when you guys comment. I literally jump in joy. Literally. So make my day, comment? :)




Louisa felt like downing. From the little sleep she had gotten from night and the crying before sleeping had made her head hurt. She groaned and went over to the kitchen. Her mother had already left for work. And Cayden, off to a friend's house.

She decided to take the day off school. This was crazy. Her head was buzzing. She had slept barely two hours. Having spent the whole night crying she felt horrible.

It was as if her heart had suddenly weighed tons and it even hurt to breathe. This is crazy, she thought. The real heart had no connection to the fictional heart that feels this love crap then how come her real heart was stinging?

She picked the house phone and dialled to Marissa, after a few rings she picked up.


"Hey, I need to talk to you!"

"What happened? Louisa, you sound down!"

"I'll tell you, please come over!"

She then gulped a glass of water and waited. After a while, when the doorbell rang she ran to open the door.

Marissa looked at her and raised an eyebrow. She just let her in and plopped down on the couch.

"Okay, What's wrong?"

Louisa hesitated.

Marissa took her hands into hers. "Please tell me what's wrong."


Then she proceeded to tell how Luke had fooled her. And in that process, tears rushed out of her eyes. Not once did Marissa interrupt except for the occasional gasps.

After telling her everything, Marissa's nostrils were flaring and she was clearly gritting her teeth.

"That son of a b*tch! And that b*tch Farrah too! Gosh! What in the f*ck's name is wrong with them?"

If it was a movie, all that people would've heard would've been, beep beep beep. Marissa was a good person but she never sat while injustice prevailed. She wanted to be a lawyer, pretty good qualities she had for that.

"I'm just wondering what to do..."

Marissa gripped her shoulders.
"Are you kidding me? Let's kick both of their butts and tell them to f*ck themselves off!"


"Why not?"

"I want to know how this turns out. I want to hurt them the exact way that they hurt me."

"Oh my God! No okay? If you seek revenge you will become like her."

"Just kick her ass once and then move on like nothing happened."


Before she could continue the door opened and Cayden entered.

"Hello Ladies!" He said.

"Hey Cay..." Marissa sighed.

Marissa had a crush on Cayden for a long time.

"Why aren't you in school?"

My Ex-Boyfriend, My Boss. (YourStoryIndia)Where stories live. Discover now