Deal or No Deal?

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A/N: please please vote and comment if you like the story.

To say seeing her had shocked him was an understatement, the wind was knocked out from his lung as he saw her standing there. She looked so different. Her thick rimmed glasses were gone and her frizzy brown curls were now in a straight waves.

He watched as the cleaning men cleaned the coffee stain on her floor and he guessed it was safe to say she was shocked too. They all left and the sound that was left was the buzzing of air conditioner. He heard the door click. Taking a deep breath he turned around to see her enter.

"I quit." She had mumbled and before he could comprehend what she said she was leaving.


He was really angry. He didn't know what to do with this situation. Searching his brain for a quick solution he said,

"Miss Branson, you cannot quit!"

She turned around with a confused expression. He knew it too well, her nose scrunched up and her eyebrows were knit together and her too familiar eyes were looming in confusion.

"Unless you're willing to pay five hundred thousand dollars!"

"W-what?" She jumped back.

"Your contract. You signed a contract saying you will work here diligently for five years and I believe you have finished just a year?"

Her mouth formed an oh. Realisation hit her face. Luke smirked. Finally, he could get her to stay. He didn't know why he was doing that. Maybe because life threw him another chance at asking her forgiveness? He didn't know. He just wanted her to forgive him. Just that.

Yeah right! His mind said sarcastically.



Luke looked at her go away. Sean came to him and patted his back.

"Good luck next time, bro!"

And he snickered. Luke just groaned. Everyone in the entire school knew about his damned crush on Farrah. He had done everything to get her on a date, flowers, diamonds, you name it! And he had been a damn good boyfriend too! Why she broke up with him was beyond him!

And still Farrah was the least interested in him. He seriously just wanted her. If he wasn't the quarterback then he would've been teased to the limits of the earth about how whipped he was.

And the bell rang signalling for the first class. He and his buddies sat at left corner of the room. Most of the teachers didn't mind them not paying attention in class except one. Mrs. Wells.

And the first lecture was of hers. The boys were usually talking random stuff when she threw the duster at them. It missed Derrick's head by an inch.

What the hell? Luke thought. Now she was abusing kids too?

"What was I explaining Mr. Devon? Tell it to the class!"

Luke shrinked at the volume of her voice. It was like some was dragging nails on the board. He just stood up and smirked. Luke Devon very well knew he didn't have to study. His father owned a chain of industries and he was the heir.

She picked up the ruler, Luke was ready to dodge it incase she threw it too. But she just pointed it at him and said,

"At the end if this ruler stands an idiot!"

Luke smirked and answered,
"At which end?"

The whole class went oh. And Luke hi fived Sean. He could see Mrs. Wells shaking in anger. Her red painted lips in a firm thin like line.

"Luke Devon! Get out!" She screeched.

Derrick retorted,"That's what she said!"

And the whole class burst out laughing. Mrs. Wells flipped the table and walked out of the class.

"Free period!" Sean yelled and the whole class cheered.



Louisa felt like flipping the table. He made her stay. She wanted to leave and never ever see his face again! But she had no choice. Oh God Why?She asked looking up at the ceiling.

It was just like high school all over again. He had all the power here too. She banged her fist on the desk with frustration.

She called the one person who could make her mind better.

"Hey baby!" She greeted.

"Hi. What?" On the other end of the line Brian replied in a gruff voice.

"I just missed you..."


Brian and her had been dating since three months. Louisa did admit that Brian was no Luke but atleast he didn't play her.

"Lou? I've work to do. Okay? Bye!"

She sighed as he ended her call without waiting for her reply.

Sometimes, she stayed up at night and wondered what could've happened if Luke and her had been together? They'd snuggle inside their mattress fort and eat Cheetos and Twix.

Louisa snapped from her trance. Woah! Don't even go there girl!



"She's crazy man! I swear! How is she even in the staff!" Derrick said.

Luke had already zoned the boys out. His attention was focused on Farrah herself. He ran to her like a moth to a fire.

"Farrah!" He smiled seeing her look at him.

"What do you want?" She snapped.



"Come on Farrah! Just give me a chance! I'll do anything to be with you!"

Farrah's face held a wicked smile.


"I want you to date Louisa Branson for thirty days and then dump her publicly!"

"W-what? Why do you want that?"

"Because I hate her! She's just a filthy daughter of a staff. And she's always such a goody two shoes. My parents are like, Why can't you be like Louisa? Louisa this! Louisa that!"

"Is that what you want?" Luke asked again for confirmation.


"Fine! We have a deal."

Thousands of things ran into his mind. He had broken plenty of girls' hearts. This should be easy. And that and Farrah would be his. Besides if Farrah hates that girl so much the she probably deserves it too.


A/N: Please please please vote and comment. And the pic is of Francisco Lachowski aka Luke Devon.

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