It Was Only a Small Fire

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TW: slight swearing


"Wow" was all I managed to say.

"I knew you liked Christmas, but not THIS much!" Sapnap chuckled.

"You like it, Georgie?" Dream asked

"I love it!" I exclaimed

"Hey! What about me, Dreamy?!" Sapnap said, pretending to be hurt

"Only George gets to call me Dreamy."

My face heated up when Dream said that. Does he like me, or is he just messing with me? Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sapnap wiggle his eyebrows at me, I made a face at him.

"Tomorrow, can you guys help me decorate the yard?"

"Dream! At least wait until Thanksgiving. Your neighbors are gonna hate you!"

"They already hate me."


-time skip (it's around 10pm now)-


I overheard Sapnap and George arguing in the next room, probably about something stupid.

"I don't like sleeping with you, you move around too much, and last time, you knocked me off the bed." George complained

"Well, you snore and wake up super early" Sapnap retaliated

"It's not my fault you have to sleep for 13 hours"

This had been going on for ten minutes now. It was starting to get really annoying. I walked over to their room and opened the door.

"What are you guys arguing about THIS time?" I questioned

They had surprised looks on their faces.

"I DON'T LIKE SHARING A BED WITH HIM!" They both shouted at the same time.

"Since you guys are making such a big deal about it, you can take turns sleeping in my room"


"You do know that this is the same man that pissed the bed while his girlfriend was with him, right?" George said mockingly.

"I'm sure he's outgrown that by now"

"Don't worry Sapnap, it's been a whole two weeks!" I said, awkwardly smiling at him.

"Never mind" Sapnap quickly blurted out, running to our room, and locking the door behind him.


"Too late" Sapnap snickered.

"I guess I have to sleep with you now" George said

"It's ok, if you don't want to, I can sleep on the couch?" I offered

"I'll be fine, you won't piss the bed though, will you?"

"Naw, I just said that to mess with Sapnap" I chuckled

We crawled into bed, both laying as far apart as possible.

-time skip to morning-


Somehow I woke up on the floor, AGAIN. The sweet scent of pancakes was in the air. I threw a hoodie on and walked to the kitchen.

"Hi Dream!"

"Good morning, Georgie!"

I saw him flip a pancake.

"Can I help with anything?" I asked

"It's fine, this is the last one." He responded

I filled my plate up and sat down.

"Mmm, these are delicious, Dream! You're really good at cooking!"

"I didn't make them, they were frozen. I couldn't cook if my life depended on it!" he giggled

"Why were you cooking them in the pan then?"

"Unless you wanted cold pancakes, I had to warm them up"

"You could've just microwaved them, you know." I told him

"I don't have a microwave"

"Why do you not have a microwave?"

"Uhhh, there was a little incident, and I keep forgetting to buy a new one"

"What do you mean an incident?"

"There was a spoon involved" Dream said, sounding ashamed

"Dream, you dumbass! You're not supposed to put metal in the microwave!"

"It was an accident. Besides, it was only a small fire."

A/N- Thank you guys so much for reading the story! Sorry it took me so long to update :( I really wish I had friends to cuddle with :(, just in a platonic way tho. Also, thank you gravityXgyre and lonesomebird for all the support! Stay safe, and have a good day (or night)!

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