How Do You Have 3 Suitcase But Not An Umbrella

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TW: technoblade

I was scrolling through Twitter on my phone, and Dream was talking to a girl at Starbucks. He's taking a pretty long time. I looked up from my phone and saw him walking away from there. He turned around and the girl winked at him, he was smirking as he walked over. Were they flirting? There was a sour feeling in my stomach, and I felt a pang of anger. Why am I jealous? He was just talking to someone, I can't be sure if he was flirting or not. I'll just ask him what they were talking about.

"You need help carrying those?" I asked, Dream was carrying two cups in his hand, and another between his chest and his elbow.

"Yeah, thanks"

I grabbed the coffees from his hand and set them on the table beside us.

"Wow, you sure like coffee a lot" I said, noticing the two that were on the table

"Actually, one is for you"

"You didn't have to" I said, flattered by his kindness

"I didn't, the barista accidentally made an extra"

"Oh. Are they both the same?" I asked

"I think so"

"Cool" I grabbed one and took a large sip. Right before it hit my tongue, I felt the stream coming off of it and immediately regretted it, "Owwww"

Dream chuckled "You okay Gogy?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just didn't think it would be hot"

"Why would it not be hot, it's in one of the cups they only put warm drinks in"

"I'm just used to getting iced coffees" The coffee actually tasted really good, despite the stinging in my tongue. I looked at the label, "Hey Dream, is Karly the girl you were talking to?"

I saw the panic in his eyes as he realized that I had read the message on there.

"Uhhhh, yeah, about that, she thought we were dating, but don't worry, I told her that we weren't, but for some reason, she gave me her number."

"Oh, ok, so you didn't ask her out?"

"No, she's not my type"


I felt so much better after I found out that he wasn't interested in her.

"We should get going, I want to get home before rush hour starts" he told me, "your room is already set up, so you can sleep when we get there"

"It's 6 AM, Dream"

"Your flight was really long though"

"I slept on the plane, plus I'm already used to not getting enough sleep"

"You sure"


"Well then do you want to stream in a few hours, we can just play on the SMP" Dream asked eagerly

"Oh crap, I forgot my laptop"

"It's ok, I already set up my old computer in your room"


We talked the entire way home. (sorry, im too lazy to write all of that, i hate writing dialogue) When we were about 10 minutes away from Dream's house, it started pouring outside. I could hear the pitter-patter of the raindrops on the windshield.

"I hope you brought an umbrella" Dream said


"Really, you brought three suitcases full of clothes, but no umbrella? You know we're in Florida, right?"

"It just slipped my mind I guess"

It started raining even harder, to the point where the wipers were no use anymore.

"Is it safe to be driving right now, Dream?"

"Y-Yeah, there's no hurricane warning, so it shouldn't be too bad. We're almost there anyways" Dream stuttered

"Are you okay? You seem kind of nervous? I thought you were used to having big storms here"

"I am, I've just never liked them"

We pulled up at his house, Dream put the car in park and reached for an umbrella in the back.

"We can just share my umbrella. Are you okay with getting your bags when the storm is over? Otherwise they might get drenched."

"Yeah, that's fine"

We walked to the door side by side, our bodies pressed together in an effort to stay under the umbrella.

"Oh crap, I almost forgot my children!!!" I screamed

"Your children?" Dream looked confused

"Dog and Cat!" I said, rolling my eyes at him

"You've got to stop calling them Dog and Cat!"

"Fine, you name them then"

"Ok" Dream said, pausing for a few seconds to think,"I KNOW! WE'LL NAME THEM WILBUR AND TECHNO!" (A/N- Wilbur is Dog, and Techno is Cat)

"First of all, that's weird, second of all, neither one of those are girl's names, Dream" I said, dragging the 'e'

"I don't care, you said that I could name them!"

I rolled my eyes at him,"Ugh, fine"

Dream and I ran back to get the kennels, and headed inside.

A/N- Okay, so this is totally unrelated, but one time, my parents and I went to a zoo in the mountains, and we didn't know it was going to storm. It started raining, so we went inside, and within ten minutes, there was softball sized hail. Once the storm stopped, we were about to leave, but all of the cars in the parking lot were destroyed, there were a bunch of dents, and all of the glass was shattered. Busses had to evacuate us, and some friends picked us up. Most of the animals survived, but some peacocks and a few others didn't :(     
Anyways, have a good day, and thanks for reading, I'll try to update soon.

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