*Demonic screeching*

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TW: swearing


I woke up after the movie ended, I felt a weight on my shoulder, and leaned into it. I stayed like that for a few minutes, then looked over.

"SAPNAP!" I yelled, startling him, causing him to jump up,"why were you laying on my shoulder?"

"Sorry, I just fell asleep"

"Why on me, Sapnap"

"Chill George, it was an accident, and we both have socks on, right?"

I looked at my feet under the blanket, and realized they were bare.

"Uhhh, yeah, of course" I lied," It's kinda late, shouldn't we go to bed soon?"

"Yeah, where am I gonna sleep, Dream already gave you the guest room"

"Why don't you ask him, Sapnap?"

"Fine" he groaned. As he walked towards Dream's room, he screeched "DrEaM! wHeRe aM i GoNnA sLeEp?"

The door creaked open, and Dream shuffled out,"What's up Sapnap?" He asked sleepily

"Where am I supposed to sleep? George is in the guest room."

"You can sleep on the couch"

"But I don't want toooo", he complained

"Fine, then sleep with George"

I really didn't want to sleep in the same bed as Sapnap, but I cooperated to avoid hurting his feelings.

-time skip, brought to you by my laziness-


I woke up on the ground, my back sore from sleeping on the hardwood floor. I stood up to see Sapnap sprawled on the bed, somehow taking up an entire queen sized bed all by himself.

"ˢᵃᵖⁿᵃᵖ" I whispered,"ʷᵃᵏᵉ ᵘᵖ" That didn't wake him up, so I spoke a little louder,"SAPNAP" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

He just stirred a little bit in his sleep. Ok, just a little bit louder. I let out an ear-splitting, demonic screech, right next to his ear.

"WHAT THE FUCK, GEORGE?!!?!?!?!" at least he was awake now

"You weren't waking up, so I had to talk a little louder"



"UGGGH, I was having a good sleep, and you startled Cat"

"Well, it's nine now, so you should've been awake by now"

"That's still too early to wake up, and if it's nine am, why is it still dark outside?"

"I don't know, Florida's weird"

Sapnap picked up his phone and looked at the time.

"Where the hell did you get nine o'clock from?!?!?! It's four am, George!"

"Oh, I forgot to change the time on my watch, at least Dream still gets to sleep."

Right as I said that, he barged into the room.

"Are you guys okay? I heard screaming."

"Yeah", I responded," I was just waking Sapnap up"

"At four in the morning?"


"Sure" Dream sounded confused," Well, since we're all awake, HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I got haunted house tickets for you two!"

"What about you Dream?" I asked

'Uhh, I don't really like haunted houses, so I'll just stay here, it's only a few hours anyways."

"You sure?" Sapnap said, disappointed

"Yeah, also, noon is the best time to go, because it's the least crowded" Dream told us

"But it won't be dark"

"Don't worry, it's all indoors"

"Oh, cool"

"I'm gonna try and go back to sleep now" I told him

"Yeah, same" added Sapnap

-time skip (again)-

I woke up to the sound of Sapnap shuffling in his sleep, and walked to the kitchen to get some breakfast. While I was rummaging through the cabinets, Sapnap mumbled something to me.

"We overslept a little bit, it's 11:45"

"Oh shit, I still have to get ready" I told him, sprinting to our room to grab some new clothes.

A few minutes later, I grabbed the keys and ran to the garage to start the car, I saw a figure searching through some boxes.

"Dream, what are you doing?" I asked

"What are YOU doing?" he asked, sounding kinda sketchy

"Starting the car" I told him,"Sapnap and I are leaving now"

"Ok, see you in a few hours"

A/N- you guys are lucky, I was going to end this in a way that would destroy your will to live, but I decided to just keep writing, and save that for later. Thanks for reading, and have a good night :)

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