You Scream Like A Girl

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I woke up a few minutes before George and Sapnap to get some boxes from the garage. I didn't want them to see what I was doing, because what I was setting up was a surprise. I hear the garage door open.

"Dream, what are you doing?" George questioned

"What are YOU doing?" I asked, why did I say it like that? Now they're gonna think I'm up to something.

"Starting the car, Sapnap and I are leaving now"

"Ok, see you in a few hours" I told him,"and Sapnap better be driving, I don't want you crashing my car because you don't know how to drive in America" I teased

"Don't worry, I didn't feel like driving anyways"

Sapnap got in the driver's seat and I waved as they drove away. I closed the garage door and started carrying the boxes into the house. A few minutes later, boxes were covering the floor in the living room. I opened one of them, and dropped its contents on the floor.


There was a group of girls that stayed with Sapnap and I the entire time, they were quiet for most of the time, except towards the end, when we approached a pitch black room.

"It's kinda dark in here, George" Sapnap whispered

"Well, duh"

All of a sudden, the lights flashed on and we saw a clown in front of us. His clothes were splattered in blood, and there was a menacing smirk on his face. The lights turned off again, and one of the girls next to me screamed. The lights turned back on and we walked out the exit.

"That was pretty cool" I said

"Yeah, none of the jumpscares got me though" one of the girls said nonchalantly

"Weren't you the one that screamed at the end?" I asked

"No, that was your friend"

I looked over at Sapnap, who still looked terrified. I burst into laughter.

"ThAt wAs yOu?!?!" I shouted," YoU SoUnDeD LiKe A GiRl!"

"YEAH, THE CLOWN GRABBED MY SHOULDER!" he said, in a whiny voice,"Stop making fun of me, you would've done the same thing!"

"No, I wouldn't have"

"Yes you would"

"Fine, can you stop arguing and just start driving"

"Yeah, I'm sure Dream misses us already"

We spent the ride home talking and vibing to music together. After we picked up Taco Bell (Sapnap's choice), it was almost dark. As Sapnap drove down the street, I saw something glowing in the distance.

"What is that?" I asked Sapnap

"I'm not sure" he responded," it almost looks like a Christmas decoration"

Sure enough, there was a single white deer covered in lights on Dream's lawn.

"It's way too early for that, at least it's only one decoration" I told Sapnap

"Does Dream know that it's Halloween?"

"I guess not"

We pulled into the driveway and got a surprise when Dream opened the door.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" he said excitedly

There were colorful lights lining the corners of each wall. Wreaths were on every door, mini Christmas villages on the shelves, red, white, and green pillows and blankets on the couch, and to top it all off, a giant green tree in the middle of the room. Garland was carefully strung on it, ornaments and candy canes covered every branch, and a sparkly red star was perched at the top.

"Wow" was all I managed to say.

A/N- aahh, sorry, another short chapter, also, Sapnap keeps getting autocorrected to Subpoena for some reason, so if you see that at all, you know why. Have a good day, and thanks for reading!

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