Incorrect Quotes 4 (Egyptian)

96 5 15


Sadie: Now there's that guy.

Carter: Wait, Sadie! We need a plan of attack!

Sadie: I have a plan. Attack!


Anubis: So, your sister...

Carter: *looks menacingly

Anubis: Yeah, bad timing. I'll ask later.

Carter: *even more menacing look

Anubis: Or never. Yeah, I'm good with never.


Sadie: You're not my mom! And you're not theirs either!

Carter: I do not act motherly! Zia, do I act motherly?

Zia: Hey, I'm staying out of this one.

Carter: Walt, do I act motherly?

Walt: Uh, well, uh...

Carter: Stop rubbing your eye and speak clearly when you talk!

Walt: Yes, sir!


Amos: Where's Sadie?

Zia: Doing stuff.

Amos: I don't like the sound of that. Where's Carter?

Zia: Trying to stop Sadie from doing the stuff.

Amos: And Walt?

Zia: Trying to stop Carter from stopping Sadie from doing the stuff.

Amos: I see. And what are you doing here?

Zia: I'm supposed to be stopping you from stopping Walt from stopping Carter from stopping Sadie from doing the stuff.


Sadie: Name one bad decision I made in a week!

Carter: Would you like the list to be organized by date, location or amount of people injured?

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