Crystal Ring (Greco-Roman)

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Requested by AutumnRainbow5
Side notes: this is a Disney AU.
Also, I don't really ship Jercy, so I'm not sure how good it'll turn out. I hope you like it though.

Percy had a miserable life. Ever since his mother died he was left alone with his stepfather, Lord Gabriel Ugliano. Lord Gabriel the lowest of all noblemen. A vain man who lived only to gamble in the tavern and drown himself in ale. He was the laughing stock of the entire nobility.

And being the vain man he was, as well as being very frustrated by the lack of respect of the other noblemen (respect he definitely had not earned), he decided to take it out on the only person he could command: Percy Jackson.

He stripped the young black haired man from the nobility titles he had inherited from his mother and father and reduced him to a mere servant.
In summary, Percy never had much to look forward to in his life. However, this time was different. It had recently been announced that the king would host a ball for his son, prince Jason, in order to help him find a suitor.

Percy was not interested in that particular aspect though. Sure, the prince was quite handsome, but Percy knew fully well that he would never even be noticed by him. He would probably end up with the famous warrior princess Reyna.

No, what interested Percy was the possibility to have at least one night where he could feel like he was more than a servant.

Unfortunately, to attend the ball he would need formal clothing, of which he had none.

So he kept scrubbing the floor, oblivious to the red haired fairy behind him.

"Well, you certainly look grumpy."

Percy nearly jumped out of his skin in fright.

"What the?! Who are you?" he asked as he turned to face her.

"I'm sort of a fairy godmother, but you can call me Rachel." she told him with a smile.

"And why are you here?" Percy inquired.

"Why, isn't it obvious? To get you ready for the ball!"

Percy frowned in confusion.

"But I don't have anything to wear."

Rachel giggled, clearly very amused by this whole situation.

"Not to worry. That's an easy fix." she said while snapping her fingers.

Suddenly, Percy's worn rags were replaced by a fine sea green doublet, along with several other pieces of clothing fit for a man of elevated status. He was also surprised when he glanced down at his finger to see a crystal ring.

He lifted his hand up.

"Really?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, we have to make you look the part." Rachel explained.

She then pushed him towards the gate.

"Now go, your carriage awaits! And remember, the spell wears off at midnight so be back before then."

Percy smiled and nodded his understanding. He would have liked to thank her more, but Rachel was right, the clock was ticking.


Percy had never had a more fun night. He had tasted some of the best food he ever had and danced with several of the guests, his regal appearance drawing the gaze of anyone who laid eyes on him.

However, despite how fun it was, dancing was tiring. He thanked his latest dancing partner, a honey blonde noblewoman with stormy grey eyes, with a bow and walked away. He left the ballroom and stepped out onto the large balcony, hoping to catch some fresh air.

"I must say, you are quite the dancer."

Percy was very surprised when he turned around and saw prince Jason walking towards him.

"Thank you, my lord." he said shyly, trying to hide his blush.

It wasn't every day that the prince himself complimented you.

"I don't think I've seen you before. What's your name?" Jason asked.

Percy hesitated. He couldn't give him his current name. It wasn't noble enough.

"Perseus. Perseus Jackson." he eventually said.

Jason smiled.

"An elegant name for an elegant man. Would you mind offering me this dance?" he asked, holding a hand out to Percy.

Percy could barely believe what was happening. This was his biggest dream come true.

But that dream was immediately shattered by the sound of the bells signaling midnight.

Percy's eyes widened in terror.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot stay!" he apologized before running off.

In his haste, he did not notice the crystal ring slipping from his finger. A ring Jason found only moments later. He picked it up and held it tight. He was sure he had found the one. He was not about to let him slip away.


"Hey, boy! Come over here!"

Percy groaned as he moved towards his stepfather's location, already expecting some sort of lecture followed by a hard slap to the face.
What he was not expecting though, was prince Jason.

"Percy, right?" Jason asked.

Percy nodded slowly. Why would the prince be here? Had he found out that he went to the ball uninvited?

"Could you hold out your hand, please?" he requested.

Hesitantly, Percy complied. He gasped silently when Jason brought out an exquisite crystal ring and slid it onto his finger. A perfect fit.

Jason looked up and smiled widely.

"Perseus Jackson, would you do me the honor of becoming my husband?"

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