Incorrect Quotes 3 (Norse)

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Alex: Truth or dare, Magnus?

Magnus: Truth.

Alex: Do you want to kiss me?

Magnus: Dare!

Alex: I dare you to kiss me.

Magnus: Never have I ever-



Blitzen: You're about to take the full force of a star, boy. It'll kill you.

Magnus: Only if I die.

Blitzen: Yes. That's what "killing you" means.


Sam: You know, when I first met you, I thought you were just an annoying little prick.

Gunilla: Oh.

Gunilla: And?

Sam: And you are!


Alex: I'm going to get lunch, you guys want something?

Magnus: My mother.

TJ: Freedom and equality for all black slaves.

Mallory: Revenge on my mother.

Blitzen: The respect of my peers.

Hearthstone: A loving family.

Sam: A stable love life.

Alex: *checks wallet

Alex: I got, like, 15 bucks.


Halfborn at 3am: Do penguins have knees?

Mallory: Go to sleep, ya big oaf!


Magnus: Okay, guys. We have to keep them busy. Fight as hard as you can.

Magnus: You get hurt, hurt them back.

Magnus: You get killed...

Magnus: Walk it off.

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